【摘要】 目的:分析探讨异位妊娠的相关病因及其特点,为早期诊断、治疗及预防提供依据。方法:采用回顾性分析方法,分析探讨本院2008年8月-2012年8月收治的803例异位妊娠患者相关病因及其特点。结果:803例中慢性盆腔炎占33.1%,流产史23%,盆腔手术史占20.8%,重复异位妊娠占9.7%,宫内节育器占5%,辅助生殖技术后占2.9%,药物紧急避孕占1.9%,剖宫产后占1.6%,正常分娩后占0.6%,其它原因占1.4%。结论:异位妊娠与慢性盆腔炎史,流产史(包括药物流产、人工流产),盆腔手术史、重复异位妊娠等多种因素密切相关。对这些因素加以预防,有助于降低该病的发病率。
【关键词】 异位妊娠; 相关病因; 特点; 分析; 探讨
Analysis and Discussion on Related Causes and Characteristics of 803 Cases of Ectopic Pregnancy/PAN Qi-wen,CHEN Hui-feng .// Medical Innovation of China,2013,10(14):114-115
【Abstract】 Objective:To analyze and discuss related causes and characteristics of ectopic pregnancy and provide basis for its early diagnosis, therapy and prevention. Method: Retrospective analysis method was used to analyze and discuss related causes and characteristics of 803 patients of ectopic pregnancy admitted by our hospital from August 2008 to August 2012. Result: Among these 803 patients, chronic pelvic inflammation accounted for 33.1%, abortion history 23%, pelvic cavity surgery history 20.8%, recurrent ectopic pregnancy 9.7%, intrauterine device 5%, assisted reproductive technology 2.9%, emergency contraception by drug 1.9%, cesarean delivery 1.6%, normal labor 0.6% and other causes 1.4%. Conclusion:Ectopic pregnancy is closely related to many factors such as chronic pelvic inflammation, abortion history (including medical abortion and artificial abortion), pelvic cavity surgery and recurrent ectopic pregnancy. The prevention on these factors is conducive to the decrease of morbidity of this disease.
【Key words】 Ectopic pregnancy; Related causes of disease; Characteristics; Analysis; Discussion
First-author’s address:Hechi People’s Hospital,Hechi 547000,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选择2008年8月-2012年8月在本院就诊,经相关检查确诊为异位妊娠803例为观察组。年龄17~43岁,平均25.5岁,以26~35岁最多见,占80%。未婚者230例,已婚者573例,<18岁45例;多个性伴侣者56例。选择同期正常妊娠790例作为对照组(经彩超确诊),年龄19~45岁,平均26.5岁。两组年龄、收入、文化程度及职业等差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
1.2 诊断方法 803例异位妊娠患者均根据病史、症状、体征,并用以下辅助检查:如后穹隆穿刺,阴道超声,血β-hCG,阴道排出物病理检查,手术中所见及术后病理诊断等确诊为异位妊娠。对照组妇科彩超及血β-hCG进行确诊。
1.3 统计学处理 采用SPSS 18.0统计软件进行处理,计数资料采用 字2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 异位妊娠的发生部位、发生率比较 803例异位妊娠患者中768例为输卵管妊娠,占异位妊娠的95.6%,其中壶腹部妊娠602例,占78.5%;峡部妊娠148例,占19.3%;间质部妊娠18例,占2.3%;宫角妊娠20例,占2.5%,宫颈妊娠10例,占1.2%;卵巢妊娠5例,占0.6%。
【关键词】 异位妊娠; 相关病因; 特点; 分析; 探讨
Analysis and Discussion on Related Causes and Characteristics of 803 Cases of Ectopic Pregnancy/PAN Qi-wen,CHEN Hui-feng .// Medical Innovation of China,2013,10(14):114-115
【Abstract】 Objective:To analyze and discuss related causes and characteristics of ectopic pregnancy and provide basis for its early diagnosis, therapy and prevention. Method: Retrospective analysis method was used to analyze and discuss related causes and characteristics of 803 patients of ectopic pregnancy admitted by our hospital from August 2008 to August 2012. Result: Among these 803 patients, chronic pelvic inflammation accounted for 33.1%, abortion history 23%, pelvic cavity surgery history 20.8%, recurrent ectopic pregnancy 9.7%, intrauterine device 5%, assisted reproductive technology 2.9%, emergency contraception by drug 1.9%, cesarean delivery 1.6%, normal labor 0.6% and other causes 1.4%. Conclusion:Ectopic pregnancy is closely related to many factors such as chronic pelvic inflammation, abortion history (including medical abortion and artificial abortion), pelvic cavity surgery and recurrent ectopic pregnancy. The prevention on these factors is conducive to the decrease of morbidity of this disease.
【Key words】 Ectopic pregnancy; Related causes of disease; Characteristics; Analysis; Discussion
First-author’s address:Hechi People’s Hospital,Hechi 547000,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选择2008年8月-2012年8月在本院就诊,经相关检查确诊为异位妊娠803例为观察组。年龄17~43岁,平均25.5岁,以26~35岁最多见,占80%。未婚者230例,已婚者573例,<18岁45例;多个性伴侣者56例。选择同期正常妊娠790例作为对照组(经彩超确诊),年龄19~45岁,平均26.5岁。两组年龄、收入、文化程度及职业等差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
1.2 诊断方法 803例异位妊娠患者均根据病史、症状、体征,并用以下辅助检查:如后穹隆穿刺,阴道超声,血β-hCG,阴道排出物病理检查,手术中所见及术后病理诊断等确诊为异位妊娠。对照组妇科彩超及血β-hCG进行确诊。
1.3 统计学处理 采用SPSS 18.0统计软件进行处理,计数资料采用 字2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 异位妊娠的发生部位、发生率比较 803例异位妊娠患者中768例为输卵管妊娠,占异位妊娠的95.6%,其中壶腹部妊娠602例,占78.5%;峡部妊娠148例,占19.3%;间质部妊娠18例,占2.3%;宫角妊娠20例,占2.5%,宫颈妊娠10例,占1.2%;卵巢妊娠5例,占0.6%。