
来源 :温州瞭望 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xh287315717
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温州人会做生意这是地球人都知道的秘密,但是在新中国开国大典上有温州人的身影,也许知道的人不是很多;在开国大典的带弹飞行队伍里有温州人,更是知之甚少。在开国大典大阅兵时,有一个混合飞行梯队17架飞机参加受阅,温州人胡景濂,是参加开国大典中飞行检阅的地面工作者之一,同时,他也是当年浙南游击纵队的战士,新中国第一代飞行教官。“1949年10月1日,在开国大典中,毛泽东、刘少奇、周恩来、朱德等国家领导人曾站在天安门城楼上仰望天空,检阅中华人民共和国第一代空军。当以三角形编队的机群出现在蔚蓝的天空时,领袖们喜笑颜开,频频向天空挥手致意。这一组镜头后来多次出现在许多影片中。每当看到这一场面时,我的心头就不禁涌动着幸福与自豪的热浪。尽管我没有亲自驾机翱翔于天安门上空,但我曾参加了飞行检阅的地面工作,这光荣任务的完成也有我的一份参与。”谈起往事,现年80多岁的胡景濂仍然激动不已。 Wenzhou people will do business This is the secret of people on Earth know, but in the founding ceremony of New China Wenzhou people figure, maybe not many people know; in the founding ceremony of the bombers with Wenzhou, but also know Very few. At the founding ceremony of the parade, there was a mixed flight echelon 17 aircraft to participate in the review, Wenzhou Hu Jingtao, is to participate in the founding ceremony in the flight review of one of the ground workers, at the same time, he was also a soldier of the southern guerrilla column, the new China’s first generation of flight instructors. On October 1, 1949, in the founding ceremony, leaders of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai and Zhu De, standing on the tower of Tiananmen Square, looked up to the sky and reviewed the first generation Airmen of the People’s Republic of China. When a fleet of delta formations appeared In the blue sky, the leaders shouted with joy and waving their hands to the sky, a series of films that later appeared on many films many times, and whenever I saw this scene, my heart was full of happiness and pride Although I did not personally flew over Tiananmen with a plane, I participated in the flight inspection work on the ground and this glorious task was completed with my participation. “” Turning to the past, the 80-year-old Hu Jingtao is still excited Endless.
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今天,上海抗大研究会暨校友联谊会举行纪念渡江胜利、上海解放60周年大会,有关领导、嘉宾光临,抗大校友、后代、军大校友踊跃到会,我们表示热烈欢迎。 Today, the Shanghai