东盟面临着从冷战时代以政治合作为主的地区性集团向冷战后时代以经济一体化为主兼具安全、文化、科技等合作的全方位地区性集团转型的严峻挑战。1992年1月,新加坡第四次首脑会议的成功使东盟的转型迈进了一步。自此以后的二年多来,东盟各国进一步加强努力,采取了一系列措施推动东盟的转型,并取得了一定的进展。但就目前看,东盟的转型依然困难重重,至少面临着四大困境。 困境之一,东盟各国贫富差距悬殊、产业结构类同、出口商品相近、国内和区域内市场狭窄、经济上互补性差、成员国间合作意识差,这些将严重影响东盟经济一体化进程,从而困挠东盟的转型。
ASEAN faces the severe challenge of transforming from a regional group dominated by political cooperation in the Cold War era to an all-encompassing regional group featuring economic integration and security, culture and science and technology cooperation in the post-Cold War era. In January 1992, the success of the fourth Singapore summit took ASEAN one step forward. For more than two years since then, the ASEAN countries have further strengthened their efforts and taken a series of measures to promote the transformation of ASEAN. Some progress has been made. However, for the moment, the transformation of ASEAN is still difficult and facing at least four major difficulties. As one of the dilemmas, the disparity between the rich and the poor in ASEAN countries is similar. The similar industrial structure, similar export commodities, narrow domestic and regional markets, poor economic complementarity and poor cooperation among member countries will seriously affect the process of economic integration in ASEAN. Fight ASEAN’s transition.