少女怀春,君子好逑。花季里的年轻人,感情丰富,最容易被异性的某一特点所吸引,于是,便坠入爱河,或明或暗地恋爱起来。 恋爱是美丽的,充满幻想的。那些情趣相投,志向共一者,是幸运的。他们的恋情与日俱增,终会在充满浪漫情调中结为秦晋,共筑爱巢,甚至白头偕老。但是,并非所有人都如此幸运,都能在恋爱中一帆风顺地获得真正的爱情。这时,他们就应当珍惜恋爱中的选择权,为自己的幸福生活做出果断的抉择。 生活中常常有这样的实例,在建立恋爱关系以后,相互接触的时间增多,也就更多地了解对方了。当对方的弱点不断暴露出来,并使自己难于接受的时候,总会产生一种犹豫不决的情绪。有的人在这种情绪的冲击下,最终提出分手,这是明智的;有的人却囿于种种原
Girl with spring, a good gentleman. Young people in the season, feeling rich, most likely to be attracted by one of the characteristics of the opposite sex, so they fall in love, or Ming or secretly in love. Love is beautiful, full of fantasy. Those who share similar interests and ambitions are fortunate. Their love affair is increasing day by day, will eventually become Qin Jin in full of romance, building love nest, or even grow old together. However, not all people are so lucky that they can always get real love in love. At this moment, they should cherish the right of choice in love and make a decisive choice for their happy life. Often in life, there are such examples. After establishing a love relationship, the time for getting in touch with each other increases, and the other person knows more about each other. When the other’s weaknesses continue to emerge and make it harder to accept, there is always a hesitating mood. It is advisable for some people to eventually break up under the impact of such emotions. Some people, however,