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中等职业教育是培养生产、管理第一线,能上能下,能文能武,既能动手操作,又能设计研究的复合型人才。在以往中等职业学校教育教学工作中,教师往往只重视文化理论及专业技能的教学,缺乏创新意识和开拓精神,因此不能适应时代和社会发展的要求。创新是目前职业技术教育所面临的重要课题,也是学校进行素质教育,提高教育教学质量,为社会输送创新性应用型人才的需要。中等职业教育要把教学创新放在首位对学生要进行创新思维的培养,要深化教学改革,跟上社会经济的发展通过对系统的学习和探索,构建一种新的教育理论与模式,并使之不断完善。使培养的学生实现充分就业,促进中等职业教育的良性循环。 Secondary vocational education is to cultivate the production and management of the first line, be able to get on and off, Wenwennengwu, both hands-on operation, but also design and study of complex talents. In the past, secondary vocational school education and teaching work, teachers tend to focus only on the teaching of cultural theory and professional skills, the lack of innovative awareness and pioneering spirit, therefore, can not meet the requirements of the times and social development. Innovation is currently an important issue facing vocational and technical education, but also the need for schools to carry out quality education, improve the quality of education and teaching, and deliver innovative and applied talents to the society. Secondary vocational education should give top priority to teaching innovation to train students in innovative thinking, to deepen the teaching reform, to keep up with the social and economic development through the system of learning and exploration, to build a new educational theory and mode, and to Constantly improve. So that the students can be fully employed and the virtuous cycle of secondary vocational education can be promoted.
奥运、全运、亚运彼此冲突的原因,在于成绩与政绩紧密挂钩,国家体育与地方体育机构因此产生利益分歧。 The reasons why the Olympic Games, the All-China Games and the A
近年来,莱芜市从解决城市低收入家庭住房问题入手,创新了廉租住房和经济适用住房运作方式,探索建立了集救助机制、联动机制、退出机制为一体的城市低收入家庭住房 In recent
经过多年高速增长之后,中国经济逐渐步入增速放缓的“新常态”。  在刚刚过去的APEC会议上,习近平主席分析了中国经济新常态,并指出业已呈现的几个主要特点:一是从高速增长转为中高速增长。二是经济结构不断优化升级,第三产业消费需求逐步成为主体,城乡区域差距逐步缩小,居民收入占比上升,发展成果惠及更广大民众。三是从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动。  “新常态”最先由美国太平洋基金管理公司总裁埃里安(Mo
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(一)石油化工部航空汽油标准SY1001-77代替 SY100-65和 SYB1002-60S,自一九七七年十月一日起实施。(二)国家建材总局颁发“石棉布、隔膜石棉布,石棉绝缘带”部标准JC210~212-
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李霞:“我想回国” 1999北京国际武术太极拳邀请赛于7月24~25日在北京石景山体育馆隆重举行。当大会宣布男子长拳冠军由日本参赛选手获得时,没有人会比以日本东京武术队 Li