Zhejiang Province is one of the provinces where Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) is prevalent in our country. Since 1984, Iodine salt has been supplied to some wards and iodized oil pills have been taken by key populations. After reaching the basic control index in 1992, In order to consolidate the results of iodine deficiency disorders prevention and control to achieve the goal of eliminating iodine deficiency disorders in 2000 in the province, universal salt iodization began in 1995 to prevent iodine deficiency disorders. To further understand and observe the implementation of iodized salt in our province after the prevention and treatment of IDD urinary iodine levels, select Linhai, Yuhang, Xiangshan, Lanxi 4 counties (cities) for urinary iodine level survey, the findings are as follows. Materials and methods 1. Township center elementary schools near edible iodized salt processing plants in the selected observation point Select students aged 8 to 10 years old, half male and female