问:为什么IC需要自己的去耦电容?答:为了保证高频输入和输出。(这不是说电容能跳Hokey Cokey1。)每个集成电路(IC)都必须使用电容将各电源引脚连接到器件上的地,原因有二:防止噪声影响其本身的性能,以及防止它传输噪声而影响其它电路的性能。电力线就像天线一样,可能会拾取其它
Q: Why does IC need its own decoupling capacitors? A: In order to ensure high-frequency input and output. (This is not to say that capacitors can jump Hokey Cokey 1.) Each IC must use capacitors to connect the power pins to the device ground for two reasons: to prevent noise from affecting its own performance and to prevent it from transmitting Noise affects the performance of other circuits. The power line is like an antenna and may pick up the rest