1982至84年间,鄂州市(原鄂城县)博物馆在配合城乡基本建设中,先后在百子畈、鄂城火车站、西山南麓等地清理发掘了六座六朝时期的砖室墓。这六座墓葬的编号分别为:82百子畈 M18、M19;83鄂城火车站M1、M2、M3,84西山南麓 M2。这批墓葬在清理发掘过程中,得到了有关基层组织和施工单位的大力支持。但是,由于历史上的原因及施工过程中的破坏,使这几座墓葬均遭受到不同程度的毁坏。虽然如此,仍出土了一批重要文物。
From 1982 to 1984, the Ezhou City (formerly Echeng County) Museum, in coordination with urban and rural infrastructure, cleaned up six brick tomb tombs of the Six Dynasties in the areas of Baizu, Echeng, Xishan and other places. The six tombs are numbered as follows: 82 Baizu 畈 M18, M19; 83 Echeng Railway Station M1, M2, M3, 84 M2 at the western foot of Xishan Mountain. During the process of cleaning and excavation, these graves have obtained the strong support of grass-roots organizations and construction units. However, due to historical reasons and the destruction during construction, these tombs have been destroyed to varying degrees. Nevertheless, a number of important cultural relics were still unearthed.