原发性尿道外口恶性黑色素瘤临床罕见,我院曾收治1例,现报告如下。患者女性,62岁。因尿道外口肿物半年,于1987年12月16日入院。半年前,患者发现尿道外口有一肿物,呈蓝黑色,伴有活动后局部出血及排尿不畅。体检:一般情况可,全身皮肤未见黑痣,心肺无明显异常,肝脾不大,尿道外口处可见一约5×3×2 cm 蓝黑色肿物,表面不光滑,蒂部较细,接触即出血。内诊未见肿物累及阴道,双侧腹股沟区未触及肿大
Primary malignant oral melanoma of the external urinary tract is rarely seen clinically. One case was treated in our hospital. The report is as follows. Female patient, 62 years old. He was admitted to the hospital on December 16, 1987 for a half-year history of extravasation of the urethra. Six months ago, the patient found a tumor outside the urethra, which was bluish-black, accompanied by local bleeding and poor urination after the activity. Physical examination: In normal condition, there is no black pimple on the whole body skin, and there is no obvious abnormality on the heart and lungs. The liver and spleen are not large. A 5×3×2 cm blue-black mass is seen on the external urethra, the surface is not smooth, and the pedicle is thin. Contact is bleeding. There were no tumors in the clinic and the vagina was unaffected. The bilateral inguinal area was untouched and swollen.