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教了多年《孔乙己》,对鲁迅笔下的咸亨酒店早已娴熟于心。近年又多次从报上读到绍兴咸亨酒店重新开张、生意兴隆的消息,更是向往着能亲眼目睹一番。假期中,学校组团浙北游。那天傍晚一到绍兴,我们便迫不及待地结伴上街,去寻找咸亨酒店。在古朴、宁静的鲁迅路上走了一段,“喏,到了!”抬头一看,灯光中映出“咸亨酒店”四个竖写大字,那是从路边的一座四柱塔形照牌中映出的。我们兴奋地快步走去,那临街的店面是一座三开间的平房,白底黑字的“咸亨酒店”横匾挂在屋檐下。据介绍,小说《孔乙己》的情节虽属虚构,但这“咸亨酒店”并非是鲁迅虚拟的店名。清光绪年间,鲁迅的几个本家在绍兴都昌坊口合资开了一家酒店。周氏族人都颇懂史书,几经斟酌,才取了个与众不同的店名——咸亨酒店。“咸亨”两字取自《易经·坤卦》“品物咸亨”句,“咸”作“都、皆”解,“亨”为通达、顺利之意。取名“咸亨”,是指望生意兴隆、万事亨通。可惜他们不善经营,只开了两三年时间。1981年,为纪念鲁迅诞生一百周年,咸亨酒店按原来的格局重新开张。如今的咸亨酒店,临街店堂左边的大柜台依然是曲尺形,台上摆着一碟碟茴 After teaching for many years “Kong Yiji”, the Xianheng Hotel written by Lu Xun has long been familiar with it. In recent years, he has read many times from the newspaper to the news that the Shaoxing Xianheng Hotel has reopened and the business is booming. It is even more aspired to be able to see for himself. During the holidays, the school organizes tours to the north of Zhejiang. When we arrived in Shaoxing the evening of the same day, we couldn’t wait to join the streets to find the Xianheng Hotel. On the quaint and quiet Lu Xun Road, I walked for a while. “Hey, it’s time!” Looking up, the lights show four vertical characters in the “Xianheng Hotel,” which is reflected in a four-posted tower-shaped sign on the roadside. of. We walked with excitement, and the shop on the street was a three-room bungalow. The black and white “Shang Heng Hotel” was hung under the roof. According to reports, the plot of the novel “Kong Yiji” is fictional, but this “Xianheng Hotel” is not Lu Xun’s virtual name. During the Qing dynasty years, Lu Xun’s several family members jointly opened a hotel in Duchangfangkou, Shaoxing. Zhou clan people quite understand history books, after several considerations, only to take a distinctive name - Xianheng Hotel. The word “Xiang Heng” was taken from the “Book of Changes, Kunyin” and “Salty goods in Xianheng” sentences, and “Salty” was used as the “all, all” solution. “Hen” was intended to be accessible and smooth. The name “Shang Heng” is expected to prosper and prosper. Unfortunately, they are not good at business and have only opened for two or three years. In 1981, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Lu Xun’s birth, Xianheng Hotel reopened in its original form. Today, in the Xianheng Hotel, the large counter on the left side of the street shop is still shaped like a ruler. There is a dish on the table.
在政治教学中 ,怎样才能提高学生学习政治的兴趣呢?实践证明 ,这不能光从形式上追求 ,更重要的应当从内容上发掘。一般说来 ,通常有以下几种形式:一、以需激趣。兴趣来源于认识
一、培养学生的创新能力不等于开辟“第二课堂”培养学生的创新能力 ,课堂教学固然是主阵地 ,但中学生思维活跃 ,他们已不再满足于狭小的课堂 ,他们需要把触角伸向课堂外更广