Personal page popularity for a while, so far no systematic study. This study created a one-page, personal web corpus. The corpus of the corpus is divided into “diary corpus ” and “literary corpus ”. This study compares the word frequency of real words with that of personal pronouns. The ratio of real word frequency and personal pronoun may be the distinguishing features of spoken and written language. The first and second personal pronouns are often used in spoken English, while objectively described third personal pronouns often appear in written language. The analysis results show that the real words in “diary corpus” and “literary corpus” account for 64.3% and 77.0% of the total respectively, the first person pronoun and the second person pronoun account for 76.9% and 67.3% of the personal pronouns, The third person pronouns account for 23.1% and 32.7% of the personal pronouns. Chi-square test for comparison, three significant differences. In this paper, we use quantitative research to verify that the ratio of real words is the distinctive feature of spoken language and written language.