打开山门晋京城 丽水飘来《畲山风》——评浙江丽水地区大型歌舞风情剧《畲山风》

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在中国56个民族大家庭中,畲族共70余万人。主要分布在闽、浙、赣、粤、皖五省的山区,而浙江丽水地区,则是畲族主要聚居地之一。景宁县是全国唯一的畲族自治县。该民族虽然历史悠久,但没有文字,对自己的历史沿革、文化、风貌仅靠口头流传,加上太分散、小集中的居住特点,使人们对畲族概况了解鲜为人知。可喜的是,1998年11月,应国务院文化部和国家民委邀请,浙江省丽水地区《畲山风》剧组晋京演出,使首都观众大开眼界,大饱耳福。一个半小时的舞台时空,观众领略了畲族的古朴纯正、山林风味和祭祖、婚丧、赛歌、服饰、民间歌舞、秘语等丰富多彩的习俗。其鲜明的民族个性,使人叹为观止,赞不绝口。 Among 56 ethnic groups in China, there are more than 700,000 She people. Mainly distributed in Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Anhui provinces in the mountains, and Lishui in Zhejiang Province, is She’s one of the main settlements. Jingning County is the only She Autonomous County. Although its ethnic group has a long history but no written language, its history, culture and style are merely verbally disseminated. Coupled with the scattered and small-concentrated living characteristics, little is known about the general situation of the She nationality. The good news is that in November 1998, at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of the State Council and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the “Sheshanfeng” crew in Jinjiang, Lishui, Zhejiang Province performed at the Beijing Opera Festival to make the capital’s audiences an eye-opener. One and a half hours of stage space and time, the audience a taste of the simple and pure She’s ethnic customs, mountains and forests and ancestors, weddings and funerals, song, costumes, folk song and dance, secrets and other rich and colorful customs. Its distinctive national character, amazing, full of praise.
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(上接2003年第12期) (6)越指(交错指)换把 练习要领:先行指离开指板先滑到媒介音(新把位),然后再用另一个手指(也要先离开弦)按出新把位所需要演奏的音符。总而言之,两个手
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