【摘 要】
The influence of core sand properties on flow dynamics was investigated synchronously with various core sands, transparent core-box and high-speed camera. To co
【机 构】
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University,Suzhou Mingzhi Technology Co., Ltd.
The influence of core sand properties on flow dynamics was investigated synchronously with various core sands, transparent core-box and high-speed camera. To confirm whether the core shooting process has significant turbulence, the flow pattern of sand particles in the shooting head and core box was reproduced with colored core sands. By incorporating the kinetic theory of granular flow(KTGF), kinetic-frictional constitutive correlation and turbulence model, a two-fluid model(TFM) was established to study the flow dynamics of the core shooting process. Two-fluid model(TFM) simulations were then performed and a areasonable agreement was achieved between the simulation and experimental results. Based on the experimental and simulation results, the effects of turbulence, sand density, sand diameter and binder ratio were analyzed in terms of filling process, sand volume fraction(αs) and sand velocity(Vs).
The influence of core sand properties on flow dynamics was investigated synchronously with various core sands, transparent core-box and high-speed camera. To confirm whether the core shooting process has significant turbulence, the flow pattern of sand particles in the shooting head and core box was reproduced with colored core sands. By incorporating the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF), kinetic-frictional constitutive correlation and turbulence model, a two-fluid model (TFM) was established to study the flow dynamics of the core shooting process. Based on the experimental and simulation results, the effects of turbulence, sand density, sand diameter and binder ratio were analyzed in terms of filling process, sand volume fraction (αs) and sand velocity (Vs).
摘 要公共英语课程作为高职高专学生的必修课程,对学生的就业乃至长远发展有着重要的意义。但是近年来相关研究表明,公共英语教学存在着重重困难,产生的效果也不理想。本文从当前高职高专教学的现状分析入手,分析其中存在的主要问题,然后提出针对性的解决措施。 关键词 高职高专 英语教学 困境 对策 当前,大学英语教学受到了广泛的重视,教学设施得到了改善,大学生的英语水平也在逐年提高,但我国大学英语教学
摘 要近年来广西的民办高校竞相开设物流专业,对于新兴并且热门专业人才的培养,高职院校物流管理专业学生的培养更要注重实际应用性的培养才能突出竞争力,才能针对面临的实际问题,真正的落实到顺应市场、顺应发展,找好定位,办出特色,坚持不懈的培养物流管理专业优势竞争力上来。 关键词 广西 民办高职 物流人才 竞争力 广西壮族自治区自改革开放特别是实施北部湾经济建设战略以来,广西物流行业的发展也在广
Shrinkage porosity is a type of random distribution defects and exists in most large castings. Different from the periodic symmetry defects or certain distribut
随着新课改的不断引向深入,农村初中教学管理在物(设备设施)、财(经济基础)、人(师资状况)、信(信息资源)四个方面失衡显得较为突出。研究解决失衡带来的教学管理困惑,既是课改的当务之急,也是从根本上保证农村教育的良性发展和实现高素质人才培养的重要途径。下面本人以自己所在的铺门中学为例,探讨农村初中教学管理中的困惑与对策。 一、我校教学管理的问题 农村初中的教学管理,主要是教学常规管理。我校在教
那时候,小男孩的暑假都会在军舰上度过,每一个晴朗的夏夜,他都会趴在军舰的栏杆上嗅着海风的味道,感觉脑海里莫名其妙地生长出很多的问号,直到那天,他从爸爸手里接过一本《十万个为什么》,认识了一种叫做萤火虫的生物。 后来,他长成了“老男孩”,也是中国第一位研究萤火虫的博士,他穿越丛林追随萤火虫未来过的童年,日复一日…… 当老男孩邂逅萤火虫 夏夜,漫天荧火,付新华握着白色的捕虫网随着荧光流动的方向划
摘 要小学英语课堂教学的优化应体现在“有趣、有用、有效。”三点上。这三点构成了一个教学优化的铁三角,使得老师开展课堂教学能更有意义。作为一名小学英语教师,我发现一直以来我们的小学英语课堂都有一个倾向:一节课里老师准备了大量的图片、实物、多媒体课件等教具,课堂活动一个接一个,小组活动搞得轰轰烈烈,从表面上看,课堂气氛十分活跃,学生的兴趣和热情高涨,似乎这样的课就体现了新课程改革倡导的新思想和新方法。