爱美乃人之天性,女性的爱美欲望尤其强烈无可厚非,但要摆正健康与求美的位置,舍前者而求后者实乃本末倒置之举,不仅美容不成,反可能带来灾难性的结果,甚至将生命搭上。牺牲健康求美的现象值得当心! 染发求美 传统做法是将白发染黑,以显得年轻一些。但时下不少青年人特别是女青年“奇想”联翩,竟仿效某些外国歌星或影星,将一头青丝秀发抹成金黄或棕红,想获得“标新立异”的效果。 这样做的后果如何?仅举两个例子:一个是美国一位女歌星,欲借头发的色彩变化来招徕观众,隔几天换一种色彩,一
The beauty of love and the beauty of mankind, the beauty of women’s desire for beauty is overwhelming, but to put the position of health and beauty, the former homes and seek the latter is actually the cart before the horse, not only cosmetic, but may have catastrophic results , And even catch life. Beware of the phenomenon of sacrificing health and beauty! The traditional method of hairdressing is to blacken white hair to appear young. However, nowadays, many young people, especially young women, have wondered the same way as some young singers. They imitated some foreign singers or movie stars and turned a black hair into a golden or reddish hair. They wanted to be “unconventional”. What are the consequences of doing so? Just two examples: one is a female singer in the United States who wants to attract audiences by the color change of her hair,