An example is a 92-year-old woman with a high order who has had four short-term lower gastrointestinal bleeding in two years. Barium meal, barium enema no abnormalities. For fiber colonoscopy, only found on the ileocecal valve has a erosion spot, biopsy reported as inflammation. For the superior mesenteric artery angiography, found ileocecal artery chaos into a group, early visualization of the vein; for the superior mesenteric artery angiography, more clearly see the branch of the artery distorted, dilated, clearly see the late arteries of the drainage veins , Diagnosed as back to the colon artery dysplasia. Due to old age, another heart history, history of cerebrovascular accidents, there was atrial fibrillation, not surgical treatment. Polyvinyl alcohol catheter embolism dysplastic ileocolic artery. The intestine was cleared 24 hours prior to embolization and oral antibiotics were prepared for surgical resection in case of intestinal necrosis. The 6.5F polyethylene catheter was introduced through the superior mesenteric artery back into the two branches of the colonic artery, the polyvinyl alcohol after compression were respectively inserted into the blood vessel, followed by contrast, confirmed that the blood vessel blockage into