
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cayyr
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我是文化大革命时期读初中,念高中的,虽然有个高中毕业的名,但没有高中的水平。参力口工作后,深感知识的贫乏和能力的不足。为了干好工作,我参加了自学考试。根据我所从事的政工岗位需要,选中党政干部基础科。 三十多岁的人,记忆力已不象学生时代那么强,往往前边记,后边忘,一个原理,一个概念需要反复背记三五遍。为强化记记,我就把需要背记的知识摘抄成卡片,随身携带,一有空时间,那怕是会前,外出等车,甚至蹲厕所时也要掏出卡片或笔记读上几遍。自学考试是不脱产的,起初还有点名不正,领导担心参加自学考试会影响正常工作,不予支持。自学活动有点“地下”性质。为了不让领导说三道四,白天正常工作照样干,即使临考试了也从未请假专门复习过。要学习,时间只有从节假日和晚上去挤。在自学考试的三年时间里我几乎没有看过电影和电视,也很少走亲访友,把全部精力和心血用在了工作和 I was a junior high school during the Cultural Revolution, high school, although there is a high school name, but no high school level. Participation mouth after work, the lack of knowledge and lack of ability. In order to do a good job, I attended the self-study exam. According to the political post I am engaged in, we selected the basic cadres of party and government cadres. Thirty-year-olds, memory is not as strong as the student days, often before the front, forgotten behind, a principle, a concept requires repeated back and forth three or five times. To strengthen the record, I put the need to memorize the knowledge of back-notes into a card, carry it, a free time, even if it is before the meeting, go out and other vehicles, and even when squatting toilets have to take out cards or notes read several times . Self-study exams are not off-product, at first there is a point name is not correct, the leaders fear to participate in self-study examinations will affect the normal work, not support. Self-learning activities a little “underground” nature. In order to prevent the leadership from making irresponsible remarks and doing normal work during the day or so, even special examinations have never been conducted even if there is no vacancy. To learn, time only squeezed from holidays and nights. In the three years of self-study exams, I have rarely seen movies and television, rarely visited friends and relatives, devoted all my energy and effort to work and
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