回归先贤 升华先贤——简论郑观应的向西方学习

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鸦片战争,列强入侵,中国而临着一个数千年历史上从来没有过的大变局,中国传统的冷兵器远不敌西方列强的坚船利炮,屡战屡败,丧权侮国。向来行之有效的建立在农业文明基础上的、维系了中华民族数千年历史的政治、经济、文化方面的章典制度、思想观念,在资本主义工业为后盾的列强武力打击下,在解决中华民族生死攸关问题上一时全然夫效。正如李鸿章所说:“今则东南海疆万余里,各国通商传教,来往自如,麇集京师及各省腹地,阳托和好之名,阴怀吞噬之计,一国生事,诸国构煽,实为数千年来末有之变局。轮船电报之速,瞬息千里;军器机事之精,工力百倍;炮弹所到,无坚不摧,水陆关隘,不足限制,又为数千年来未有之强敌。外患之乘,变幻如此,而我又以成法制之。”①历史巨变,不能不引致中国人在观念上的翻天覆地的震动,同时引发朝野有识人士对中国历史文化的深刻反省乃至革命性的全新思维。 在这场新思潮的革命性变动中,不同的地位、背景、政治立场和文化素养的人士有着认知上的 During the Opium War and the invasion of powers, China was facing a drastic change that had never been seen in thousands of years of history. The Chinese traditional cold weapon far surpassed the strongholds and cannons of Western powers and sustained defeats and feudalism. Has been established on the basis of agricultural civilization has always been effective, maintaining the Chinese nation for thousands of years of history of the political, economic and cultural chapters system, ideas, capitalism in the industry backed by the armed forces of the fight against China Ethnic issues of life and death on the full effect of time. As Li Hung-chang said: “Today, more than 10,000 southeast coasts are open to all nations in preaching and dealing with each other, and they are free to come and go. They gather in the capital and in the hinterland of each province, For thousands of years the end of the change.Temperature of the ship telegraph, twinkling of an eye thousands of miles; the essence of military and mechanical work, workforce hundred times; shells hit, invincible, land and sea pass, inadequate restrictions, but also for thousands of years without a strong enemy. The change of history is so, and I turn it into a legal system. ”① Historical changes can not but cause the Chinese people to shake their minds tremendously and at the same time lead to a new insightful and even revolutionary revolution in Chinese history and culture thinking. In this revolutionary movement of new ideas, people of different positions, backgrounds, political positions and cultural accomplishments have a cognitive
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