例1,患者孙××,男,30岁。住院号:316801。主诉:右上腭无痛性肿物7年。现病史:7年前右上腭被鱼刺刺破后出现流脓血,经用消炎药后好转,但遗有一溃疡久不愈合,且逐渐隆起增大,无痛感。近1年肿物明显增大,右鼻腔不通气,右上后牙松动,牙龈出血,消炎药物无效。检查:全身情况良好。右上腭肿物8×6×6cm,超过中线距对侧牙龈1.5cm,外侧达颊侧牙龈,前到4,后达舌腭弓。中等硬度,无压痛,粘膜表面无溃疡。8765 Ⅲ°松动,4 Ⅱ°松动。副鼻窦片示:右上颌窦内,下、外璧呈溶骨性破环,意见:右上颌窦癌。术前病理报告:(上腭)涎腺肌上皮细胞瘤。
Example 1, patient Sun X, male, 30 years old. Hospital number: 316801. Chief complaint: painless mass in right upper limb for 7 years. Current medical history: 7 years ago, the right upper eyelid was punctured with a puncture, and his blood flow was improved after the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. However, there was an ulcer that did not heal for a long time, and the bulge gradually increased without pain. In the past 1 year, the mass was significantly enlarged, the right nasal cavity was not ventilated, the upper right posterior teeth were loosened, the gums were bleeding, and the anti-inflammatory drugs were ineffective. Check: The whole body is in good condition. The upper right iliac crest was 8 x 6 x 6 cm, 1.5 cm beyond the midline from the contralateral gingiva, and the lateral side reached the buccal gingiva, before reaching 4 and reaching the zygomatic arch. Medium hardness, no tenderness, no ulcers on the mucosal surface. 8765 Loosing III°, 4 Loosing II. Paranasal sinuses showed: the right maxillary sinus, the lower and outer hemorrhoids were osteolytic destruction, views: right maxillary sinus cancer. Preoperative pathology report: (Sag) Muscular epithelial cell tumor of parotid gland.