There are still some controversies about whether the speed obtained during sonic logging is phase velocity or group velocity. In this paper, three kinds of models are used to study this problem from theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. First of all, a steady-state sound wave propagation model with adjustable phase velocity and group velocity - two plane wave superposition models with different sound velocities is constructed, and the acoustic velocity is extracted by the slow time correlation (STC) method. The numerical simulation results show that, regardless of the phase velocity Large or large group velocity, and the wave velocity extracted by the STC method is the phase velocity. Secondly, the dispersion curve and the wave form in the rigid-wall cylindrical fluid model are obtained by the dispersion analysis and the secant integral. Using the STC method, The velocity and phase velocity of the dispersion curve are in good agreement, while the direct reading wave to obtain the velocity and group velocity dispersion curve trend; Finally, the use of dispersion analysis and real axis integration method to obtain the dipole in the slow formation And the full-wave waveform. The obtained results verify the conclusion in the rigid-wall cylindrical fluid model.