青花菜又叫绿花菜、西兰花、茎椰菜,是高营养蔬菜。所含蛋白质、维生素高于花椰菜一倍左右,具有色泽鲜艳,风味清香,质地柔嫩,食味优美,营养丰富等特点,人称蔬菜中的牛肉。还含有大量钼、β胡萝卜素、吲哚等有益于人体健康的微量元素和抗癌物质。 青花菜形状与花椰菜相似,但植株高大,其花
Broccoli is also called green cauliflower, broccoli, broccoli, is highly nutritious vegetables. Contains protein, vitamins higher than cauliflower about twice, with a bright color, flavor and fragrance, soft texture, delicious taste, nutrient-rich features, called vegetables in the beef. Also contains a lot of molybdenum, β-carotene, indole and other trace elements beneficial to human health and anti-cancer substances. Broccoli shape and cauliflower similar, but tall plants, its flowers