据统计,目前国内计算机用户所拥有的微机中,绝大部分所配的显示卡都是VGA卡或SVGA卡。而微机问世十余年来,其软硬件技术都经历了迅猛的发展。以占市场主导地位的IBM PC兼容机为例,其硬件核心CPU,从8086到486、586;其软件核心操作系统,从DOS到Win-dows、Windows NT、OS/2,到UNIX。与CPU和操作系统的发展相比,显示技术的发展显得相对迟滞。虽然微机的显示技术也经历了从Hercules、CGA到EGA,VGA,再到SVGA的持续发展,而VGA卡(包括SVGA卡)实已难以适应技术与应用的发展和需要。
According to statistics, at present, computer computers owned by domestic users, most of the cards are equipped with VGA card or SVGA card. The advent of the computer more than ten years, its hardware and software technology has experienced rapid development. For example, IBM PC-compatible machines, which dominate the market, have hardware core CPUs ranging from 8086 to 486,586; and their software core operating systems, from DOS to Win- dows, Windows NT, OS / 2, to UNIX. Compared with the development of CPU and operating system, the development of display technology appears to be relatively lagged. Although the computer display technology has gone through from Hercules, CGA to EGA, VGA, and then to the continued development of SVGA, and VGA card (including SVGA card) has been difficult to adapt to the development and needs of technology and applications.