In recent years, frequent mining accidents and unions have not been able to properly perform the supervisory power given by law. The reasons for this are mainly due to the existing legislation on the establishment procedures, membership status, cadre selection and leadership system, sources of funding, etc. The coal mine enterprise unions are either not formed or under the control of the enterprises and it is difficult to supervise the safe production conditions of the coal mine enterprises. Furthermore, since the legislation does not confirm the right to strike of trade unions, the safeguard of the trade unions lacks the means of deterrence Thus unable to do anything. Therefore, our country should amend the legislation to make it clear that workers voluntarily organized the process of unionization, restricted the participation of senior executives in trade unions, promoted the election mechanism and removal mechanism of trade union presidents, and changed the trade union to be led directly by the party organizations of higher enterprises and led directly by the superior party organizations. The system of appropriation of funds by the enterprises to the trade unions establishes an economic system of trade unions in which members pay membership dues as the main source of funding. While implementing the above-mentioned series of measures to safeguard the independence of trade unions, it has been confirmed that trade unions enjoy the right to strike.