WTO 的洪流使中国零售业身不由己地卷入了变革的浪潮之中。外资商业加快布阵抢点的脚步,掀起了巨大的冲击波。有数字显示,目前我国以外资为主的商业大店总投资已逼近1700亿元。内资企业在我国零售市场所占份额不断呈下降趋势,而据上海的一项调查显示,平均每家外资零售企业开业后,就有3家较大规模和30多家中小型国内零售企业关闭。同时,商业网建设中普遍存在布局不合理、结构比例失调、业态功能雷同等诸多问题。归根结底,罪魁祸首是缺乏一部相应规范行业的法律。情势更加严峻的是,2004年12月11日,我国将实现对 WTO 的承诺,放开外资进入零售业市场的限制。有业界人士大声疾呼:本土企业即将丧失最后领地,国内零售业将要面临一场前所未有的产业危机!今年的人大会议上,《商业大店法》草案的提出,可说是内资企业极度担忧的具体表现和国内市场环境需要进行良好规范的一个紧迫的信号。这一法律草案,是民营企业家王填历时一年、自费10万元,组织国内商业、法律等方面的最权威人士仿照日本等发达国家编撰的完整专门法。王填这一勇开商业立法风气之先的创举,到底能否真正起到推动商业立法的作用呢?
The flood of WTO made China’s retail industry involuntarily involved in the wave of change. Foreign-funded commercial enterprises to speed up the pace of deployment Qiangdian set off a huge shock wave. Statistics show that at present, the total investment of major foreign-funded commercial stores in China has been approaching 170 billion yuan. The share of domestic-funded enterprises in China’s retail market is constantly declining. According to a survey conducted in Shanghai, after the opening of each foreign-funded retail enterprise, three large-scale and more than 30 small and medium-sized domestic retailers have been closed down. At the same time, many problems such as unreasonable layout, unbalanced structure and similarity of format functions are common in the construction of commercial networks. After all, the culprit is the lack of a law that regulates the profession. What is even more serious is that on December 11, 2004, China will fulfill its promise to WTO and let it relax its restrictions on entering the retail market. Some people in the industry are crying out: local enterprises are about to lose their last territories, and the domestic retail industry will face an unprecedented crisis in the industry. At the NPC meeting this year, the draft “Commercial Grand Store Law” was a concrete manifestation of the extremely worrisome domestic-funded enterprises and the domestic The market environment needs an urgent signal of good regulation. This draft law is a complete set of specialized laws compiled by developed countries such as Japan, which is the most authoritative person in the field of business, law and other aspects of private entrepreneurs who fill in one year at their own expense and spend 100,000 yuan at their own expense. Wang filling the courage to open the business culture of the first initiative, in the end whether it can really play a role in promoting commercial legislation?