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目前,随着社会的高速发展,赋予教师更高的要求,要求培养小学阶段的学生不仅要学会掌握知识,更重要的是要会用所学的知识去获得知识并创新知识。而这个前提就是要构建优质的教学课堂,激发学生学习的斗志。在教学过程中要让学生真正成为学习主人,进行体验式学习;用师爱去关注每个学生发展,让每位学生在学习中都充满自信。教师必须不断学习,从思想上真正转变教育、教学观念,充分发挥每个学生的潜能,让小学数学课堂真正实现优质高效,让每个孩子学习能力都得到最大程度地发展提高。 At present, with the rapid development of society, higher requirements are given to teachers. Students who are required to cultivate primary school should not only acquire knowledge but also, more importantly, acquire knowledge and innovate knowledge with what they have learned. And this premise is to build high-quality teaching class, to stimulate student morale. During the teaching process, students should be truly masters of learning and experiential learning. Teachers love to pay attention to the development of each student so that each student is full of confidence in their study. Teachers must constantly study and change their ideas of education and teaching from the ideological level. They should give full play to the potentiality of each student so that the elementary mathematics classroom can truly achieve high quality and efficiency so that each child’s learning ability can be developed and enhanced to the maximum extent.
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摘 要:高中语文教学关系学生综合素质的培养、价值观念的定位以及人格修养的提升等,所以,提高高中语文教学质量非常重要。随着新课程改革的不断深入,以人为本的教学理念逐渐得到贯彻,要求教师在教学中充分尊重学生的主体地位。要体现学生的主体地位,合作学习就是一种良好的教学方式。合作学习模式能够充分调动学生的学习积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,从而更好地进行高中语文教学。本文对高中语文教学中的合作学习教学组织进行