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评论也需要松绑话剧评论的状况不能令人满意。如果说话剧创作这几年还有几部突出的作品,那么话剧评论(也包括理论研究)却实在没什么象样的建树。尽管各种各样的报刊上发表的各种各样的评论文章数以百千计,但真正有创见、有说服力、有理论深度、有文采、能触到创作的痛处和痒处的好文章又有几篇呢?评论落后于创作,成了话剧发展的瓶颈。但不能因此就认为话剧评论一无长进。转之以前,话剧评论队伍还是多少成熟一些了。比方说,那些挥舞棍帽、以势压人的评论即使在评论界内部也不得人心;用行政命令的办法“臭”一个戏或“香”一个戏的做法招致大多数评论家的反感;而愿意顶着压力为剧作家说话的评论家却多起来了。面对话剧的窘境,评论家和剧作家有同样的焦虑、同样的困惑。而另一方面,当“左”的思想影响涉及到话剧的时候,同剧作家一样,评论家也感到苦恼,也希望少一点干涉、少一点帽子、少一点行政命令。确实有“左”的评论(如果这也能叫评论的话),肃清“左”毒,话剧评论界有很多事情要做。但我们也还应当看到.在“左”的束缚下,大多数评论家也确实和剧作家一样很难进入自由创作的境界,说自己想要说的话。“左”,不仅妨碍了创作,也妨碍了评论。因此,为评论家松绑,给评论家以更大的评论自由,亦当是根除话剧评论中“左”的影响的重要内容。 The commentary also needs to be loosened The comments of the drama are unsatisfactory. If there are several outstanding works in the past few years of drama creation, then drama reviews (including theoretical studies) are really decent accomplishments. Although there are hundreds of different kinds of commentary articles published in various newspapers and magazines, it is really innovative, persuasive, theoretical depth, and literary talent that can touch the pain of the creation and the itch There are a few articles? Comments behind the creation, has become the bottleneck in the development of drama. But can not therefore think drama comment grows. Turn before the drama review team is still somewhat mature. For example, those who waving their bats and their captives are unpopular even within the critics; the practice of “smelling” a drama or “smelling” a drama with an executive order incur the aversion of most critics; Critics who are willing to talk under pressure to the playwright are getting together. The face of the dilemma of drama, critics and playwrights have the same anxiety, the same confusion. On the other hand, commentators, like the playwright, feel distressed when the influence of the “Left” is involved in drama, and they also hope to intervene with less, with less hats and less executive orders. Indeed there are “leftist” comments (if this can also be commented) and the “leftist” poison is eliminated. There is much to be done by the critics of drama. But we should also see that under the “leftist” shackles, most critics do indeed find it hard to enter the realm of free creation just like the dramatist, saying what they want to say. “Left” not only hindered the creation but also hindered the comment. Therefore, for the relaxation of critics, giving critics more freedom to comment should also be an important part of eradicating the influence of the “leftist” in drama commentary.
介绍了中空纤维束N2-H2膜法提高浓氢的应用情况;并从工艺流程、指标、以及设备、仪表选型等作了叙述。还对其技术经济指标作了分析。 The application of hollow fiber bundle
恩师说,现在出版一本书太难了,我拿出一些钱,赞助你自费出版,圆你的“出书梦”!我踯躅犹豫,恩师的体己钱我怎么好动用呢? My teacher said that it is too difficult to pu
本世纪初的上海滩,是帮会林立、流氓横行的冒险家的乐园。这里讲述的是山东豪杰马永贞勇闯上海滩的故事。 一列火车从山东地界驶向上海。车上都是逃难的山东人,其中包括马永