成廉·莎士比亚(1564——1616)是文艺复兴时期英国杰出的戏剧家和诗人,人类最伟大的戏剧天才。将近一百年前,他的作品传入中国以来,莎士比亚戏剧的演出与研究,就成了中国现代文化的一部分。在沙士比亚诞生430周年之际,在丹桂枫香的金秋时节,’94上海国际莎剧节在上海戏剧学院实验剧场隆重拉开帷幕。这是我国继1986年在上海和北京同时举办首届中国莎士比亚戏剧节之后,又一次重大的莎士比亚戏剧演出和学术交流的盛会。 来自国内外的上千名观摩代表观看了国内外演
William Shakespeare (1564--1616) was a Renowned England great dramatist and poet, the greatest genius of mankind. Nearly a hundred years ago, after his work was introduced to China, the performance and study of Shakespearean plays became part of Chinese modern culture. On the 430th anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare, ’94 Shanghai International Shakespeare Festival was grandly held at the Experimental Theater of Shanghai Theater Academy in the autumn season of Dan Guixiang. This is another grand event of Shakespeare’s dramatic performances and academic exchanges conducted by China following the first China Shakespeare Festival in Shanghai and Beijing in 1986. Thousands of delegates from home and abroad watched the performances at home and abroad