
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LQ0121
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Objectives: To screen for genes with altered expression in placentas from pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. Study design: To corroborate gene expression profile of preeclamptic and normal placentas (ATLASTM Clontech), by dot blot, Northern blot analysis and RT- PCR for growth factor receptor bound- protein 2 (GRB2), using immunohistochemistry to localize its expression in the placenta. Results: Increased expression of GRB2 upregulated in the microarrays was found in preeclampsia by Dot blot and Northern blot analysis. RT- PCR performed with primers specific for GRB2 and its alternatively spliced isoform GRB3- 3 showed that most of the cDNA represented in the array was GRB2. The protein was localized to the smooth muscle wall of stem vessels by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion:The ras signalling activated by placental receptor tyrosine kinases may play a role in the segmental thickening of the stem vascular wall in preeclamptic placentas, resulting in reduced blood flow to the developing fetus. Objectives: To screen for genes with altered expression in placentas from pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. Study design: To corroborate gene expression profile of preeclamptic and normal placentas (ATLASTM Clontech), by dot blot, Northern blot analysis and RT-PCR for growth factor receptor bound-protein 2 (GRB2), using immunohistochemistry to localize its expression in the placenta. Results: Increased expression of GRB2 upregulated in the microarrays was found in preeclampsia by Dot blot and Northern blot analysis. RT-PCR performed with primers specific for GRB2 and Its alternatively spliced ​​isoform GRB3-3 showed that most of the cDNA represented in the array was GRB2. The protein was localized to the smooth muscle wall of stem vessels by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: The ras signaling activated by placental receptor tyrosine kinases may play a role in the segmental thickening of the stem vascular wall in preeclamptic placentas, resulting in reduced blood flow to the de veloping fetus.
当伊拉克战争的硝烟从美国人的镜头中散尽,SARS 开始无孔不入。在某天的《纽约时报》头版,美国人把SARS 的产生和中国人吃蛇、吃老鼠和猫等习惯联系在一起,加上“把没头半活
用料:山药2斤,白糖2两,金糕1两,青梅半两,桂花水少许。 制法:将山药洗净,蒸至七八成熟,剥去外皮剖开,切成4厘米长的段,再码入盘内蒸熟。 用温水泡洗青梅后切成小片,金糕切条
患者女,11岁.因发现"蛋白尿伴乏力2个月"于2001年6月14日入院.患者2个月前无明显诱因出现乏力、纳差,体重减轻约3 kg.体检:体温37.4 ℃,血压:130/70 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),入院1周后体温上升,最高达39.0 ℃.神清,贫血貌,发育欠佳,两侧腋下扪及散在绿豆至花生米大小的淋巴结,活动,压痛.皮肤未见淤点淤斑。
面对“非典”对全行业突如其来的冲击,我国旅游业积极应对,采取一系列措施,一手抓防治“非典”,一手抓内部管理,为今后的发展打下了扎实的基础。 为给下一步的发展做好准备,