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早就听说荷兰是花卉王国,到了那里一看,果然名不虚传。我们考察团一行乘坐大巴,从德国进人荷兰国境后,立刻被公路两旁大片大片的花圃所吸引。时值深秋季节,树叶已开始凋零,而花圃里的鲜花依然五彩缤纷,让人不敢相信寒冷的冬天即将来临。下榻的GROWNE PLAZA宾馆,位于阿姆斯特丹市中心。办完公务后,我们沿着整洁的街道散步。走过几条街发现,这里的民宅门很小,窗却很大。询问陪同的翻译才知道,荷兰的门,以大小纳房交税,且税费很高,所以各家各户都把门修的窄窄小小的,而把窗开得宽宽大大的,以便笨重的家具物品从窗户搬运方便。窗大有大的好处,一是采光好;二是通风好;三是便于美化。我们所经过的临街楼房,宽敞的窗台上,几乎无一例外的放置着盆花。那些造型各异的陶土、塑料、玻璃、木头花盆里,种植着鸢尾、百合、玫瑰、郁金香、矢车菊,以及一些说不出名称的花草,姹紫嫣红,争奇斗艳。更为别致的是,有不少窗户被藤蔓包绕着,碧绿的叶片,斑斓的花朵,远远望去,仿佛墙上挂着一幅幅油画。还有一些窗前吊着轻巧的小花篮,柔软的花茎低垂下来,像女孩儿飘散的发辫。 Long heard that the Netherlands is the flower kingdom, where to look, it really deserved reputation. When our delegation arrived in the Dutch border from Germany, they were immediately attracted by the large flower-beds on both sides of the road. Autumn season, the leaves have begun to dying, while flowers in the garden are still colorful, people can not believe the cold winter is coming. The GROWNE PLAZA guest house is located in the center of Amsterdam. After finishing my official duties, we walked along the neat streets. Across a few streets found that the door to a small house, but the window is very large. Asking about the accompanying translator, I learned that in the Netherlands, the tax is paid in large and small rooms, and the taxes and levies are high. Therefore, all households are narrow and narrow, and the windows are wide and wide so that Heavy furniture items are easy to carry from the window. Big window big advantage, one is good lighting; second, good ventilation; third, easy to beautify. We have been through the street buildings, spacious windowsill, almost without exception, placed potted plants. The various shapes of clay, plastic, glass, wood pots, planting iris, lilies, roses, tulips, cornflowers, and some unsure name flowers, colorful, contests. More chic is that many windows are surrounded by vines, green leaves, gorgeous flowers, from afar, as if hanging on the wall painting. There are also some light flower baskets hanging in front of the window, soft stems hanging down, like a girl’s hair tresses.
目的:建立测定回生甘露丸中重金属砷、镉、铅、铜含量的方法。方法:采用原子吸收光谱法,测定条件为砷空心阴极灯,波长193.7 nm,狭缝0.4 nm,灯电流8 m A,原子化温度900℃;镉空
我科 1 990— 2 0 0 1年收治 1 5例高渗性非酮症糖尿病并发局灶性癫发作患者 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1 .1. 一般资料 共 1 5例 ,男 9例 ,女 6例。年龄 60~ 81岁 ,平均 (
倍受世人关注的大石围天坑旅游向世界人民开放在即,时至今日,对它的发现、开发人们仍然众说纷纭,鉴于此,本文将对其进行深一层的报道。 Many people are still concerned ab
当伊拉克战争的硝烟从美国人的镜头中散尽,SARS 开始无孔不入。在某天的《纽约时报》头版,美国人把SARS 的产生和中国人吃蛇、吃老鼠和猫等习惯联系在一起,加上“把没头半活
用料:山药2斤,白糖2两,金糕1两,青梅半两,桂花水少许。 制法:将山药洗净,蒸至七八成熟,剥去外皮剖开,切成4厘米长的段,再码入盘内蒸熟。 用温水泡洗青梅后切成小片,金糕切条