目的:了解海口市公立医院门诊病人满意度现状,分析影响门诊病人满意度的因素,为改善医疗服务提供决策依据。方法:2011年对海口市16家公立医院已就诊过的门诊病人2 122人采用随机方式进行问卷调查,对调查结果进行频数分析,采用秩和检验(卡方分析)对各类型人员各问项的满意度对比分析。结果:78%的人对总的医疗服务质量满意,就医费用、检查、化验费用、药品费用对总体满意度的影响最大。对策:转变服务理念,一切工作以病人为中心;提供便民服务;建立费用动态监测机制,控制医疗费用。
Objective: To understand the current situation of outpatient satisfaction in public hospitals in Haikou City, analyze the factors that affect the satisfaction of outpatients, and provide the basis for decision-making in improving medical services. Methods: In 2011, 2 122 outpatients who had been treated in 16 public hospitals in Haikou were surveyed by random method. The frequency of the survey was analyzed. The rank sum test (chi-square test) Satisfaction of the comparative analysis. Results: 78% of the people were satisfied with the total quality of medical services. The cost of medical treatment, examination, laboratory test and drug cost had the greatest impact on overall satisfaction. Countermeasures: change the concept of service, all work with the patient as the center; to provide convenient services; to establish fee dynamic monitoring mechanism to control medical costs.