翻开当今的报纸,常见这样一类报道:它的写作笔法,既不像消息或通讯,也不像新闻评论;它既有新闻事实的报道,也有对新闻事实的直接评论。我姑且给它起个名目为“述评性的新闻报道”。 述评性新闻报道算不算是一种新闻体裁?就已有的大量的实践看,其笔法与消息、通讯或新闻评论相异,但又是这些传统新闻文体笔法的兼收并蓄,成为它们异化后脱颖而出的产物,并显示自己的独特的个性,因而,应当承认它是新闻体裁中的一种。为
It is commonplace for newspapers to open today’s newspapers. Its writing style is neither like news or communication nor news commentary. It has both the coverage of news facts and direct comments on news facts. I tentatively give it a name for “critical news coverage.” Is it not a news genre for a reviewer to report a news story? Judging from a large number of existing practices, the style of writing differs from that of news, newsletters, or news commentary, but it is also the eclecticism of these traditional news stylistic lines that stand out from their alienation Product, and display their own unique personality, therefore, it should be admitted that it is one of the genres in the news. for