Lighting the candles of our souls点亮心灵的蜡烛

来源 :疯狂英语·爱英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxg1984
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  I have a few candles stored in a drawer in my dining room. Theyre put there for romantic dinners or special parties. But as life becomes ordinary day after day, they have lain among the napkins and other things without being noticed. They are waiting to be taken out and lit to share their beautiful light with anyone who will take time to feel their warmth.
  Are not we like those candles? We are quietly waiting for someone to come and let us be ourselves. We are all waiting for our own time to shine. We each have a special light, which cant be matched with any other.
  Candles are made up of wax(蜡) and wicks(烛芯). We have bodies and souls. Candles are special in their colors, shapes and designs. Our histories and experiences are the reasons which make us who we are. Our souls are like candle wicks, which make our hearts burn. Unlike the candles in my drawer, we can control our minds and how brightly we will shine.
  What is your candle of soul decided by? Does it depend on environment or direction? Does it hide in the drawer of sadness, worry or anything else? Make a choice to let yourself shine in the way that you want.
  day after day 日复一日
  share... with... 与……分享……
  feel ones warmth 感受某人的温暖
  be like 相像;像……
  be matched with... 与……匹配
  be made up of... 由……组成
  depend on 取决于;依靠
  make a choice 做出选择
  1.But as life becomes ordinary day after day, they have lain among the napkins and other things without being noticed. 但是随着平淡的日子一天天过去,它们躺在餐巾纸和其他杂物之间渐渐不被人注意了。
  as 引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”。without being noticed是介词短语,being noticed作介词without的宾语,being noticed属于现在分词的被动形式。
  2.They are waiting to be taken out and lit to share their beautiful light with anyone who will take time to feel their warmth. 它们等待着被拿出,被点亮,并与任何一个愿意花时间去感受它们温暖的人分享光芒。
  3.Our histories and experiences are the reasons which make us who we are. 我们的历史和经历成就了我们。
  这是一个复合句。which引导定语从句,修饰先行词the reasons。 who we are引导的从句作make的宾语补足语。
  根据短文内容,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案 。
  1.A few candles are put in a drawer to wait for .
  A.a special time ordinary day
  D.not being noticed
  2.We are like those candles because they .
  A.both can be lit
  B.have wax   C.have wicks
  D.can be matched with any other
  3.Whether you can let your soul brightly shine, it .
  A.depends on environment
  B.depends on direction
  C.depends on candle
  D.depends on your own choice
  4.What does this passage want us to know?
  A.We can burn and shine in our own ways just like the lit candles.
  B.We can control our thoughts.
  C.Our soul candle are decided by sadness, worry or something else.
  D.Candles can burn in their own way.
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