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抗菌肽又称抗微生物肽(antimicrobial peptide)或肽抗生素(Peptide antibiotics),是生物体内存在的一种具有抗菌活性的小分子多肽,是机体固有免疫系统中的重要效应分子,具有广谱杀菌、抗真菌、病毒、肿瘤以及消除体内突变细胞的作用。为研究复合抗菌肽对动物细菌病的防治效果,笔者采用3种不同药物即抗生素、灭活疫苗和抗菌肽对中华鳖进行试验。通过测定不同组中华鳖的血细胞吞噬功能、血清凝集效价和血清杀菌活力,比较3种药物对中华鳖的免疫力和抗病能力的效果。试验结果表明,3种药物的相对保护率介于80%~95%之间,均能有效地保护中华鳖。其中灭活疫苗的效果最为显著,但是该灭活的鳗氏气单胞菌疫苗只能针对该菌导致的中华鳖疾病起到预防作用。抗生素具有广谱抗菌性,但用药结束10d之后在中华鳖体内仍有残留。抗菌肽的预防效果虽然没有抗生素和疫苗的效果好,但其不会产生耐药性,在预防细菌性疾病方面有着广阔的应用前景。 Antibacterial peptides, also known as antimicrobial peptides or peptide antibiotics, are small molecule peptides with antibacterial activity in vivo. They are important effector molecules in the body’s innate immune system and have broad-spectrum bactericidal, Anti-fungal, viral, tumor and elimination of mutant cells in the body. In order to study the effect of compound antimicrobial peptides on the prevention and treatment of animal bacterial diseases, the author used three different drugs, namely antibiotics, inactivated vaccine and antimicrobial peptides to test Chinese soft-shelled turtle. By measuring the phagocytic function, serum agglutination titer and serum bactericidal activity of turtle in different groups, the effects of three drugs on the immunity and disease resistance of Chinese soft-shelled turtle were compared. The test results showed that the relative protection rates of the three drugs ranged from 80% to 95%, which could effectively protect the soft-shelled turtle. Among them, inactivated vaccine is most effective, but the inactivated Aeromonas caviae vaccine can only prevent the soft-shelled turtle diseases caused by the bacteria. Antibiotics with broad-spectrum antibacterial, but after the end of 10d in the body of the soft-shelled turtle still have residual body. Although the preventive effect of antibacterial peptides is not effective with antibiotics and vaccines, it does not produce drug resistance and has broad application prospects in the prevention of bacterial diseases.
最近3年内,浪莎股份的营业收入、净利润、基本每股收益等主要会计数据和财务指标出现了持续下滑,而利润更是上市10年来首度出现亏损。  在纺织服装行业回暖之际,浪莎股份却于上市10年之际出现了首度亏损。  近日,浪莎股份公布了其2015年业绩报告。报告显示,公司去年实现营业收入2.05亿元,同比下降37.94%,归属于上市公司股东的净利润-2068万元,同比下降1155.97%。  值得注意的是,最近
古人在对话或书信、奏议中 ,常用谦称代替第一人称 ,用尊称代替第二人称。它们多表示单数。一、谦称。1、臣 ,如 :北方有侮臣者 ,愿借子杀之。———北方有个侮辱我的人 ,希
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