正在全区各部队陆续上映的故事片《古越轶事》,描写越王勾践卧薪尝胆,立志复国的故事。 电影本意是想把勾践塑造为一个有雄才大略,能忍辱负重的君王,但又是一个有七情六欲的普通人。但纵观全片,勾践给人的印象却是七情六欲有余,雄才大略不足。象勾践挑逗宫女、越女,欲立越女为妃,不愿将西施献给吴王等场景,让人感到他的贪色和可恶。
The story of the ancient Yue and Yue anecdotes, which are being released one after another by various units in the region, describes the story of the Revival of King Gou Jian in Revival and determined determination to resume the country. The original intention of the movie was to create Goujian as a monarch capable of bullying and humiliating, but also a common man with a lot of emotions. But look at the whole film, Gou Jian gives the impression that there is more than half-hearted, male talent roughly inadequate. Like Gou Jian to tease the girl, the more women, the more girls want to legislate, unwilling to Western King dedicated to King and other scenes, people feel his greed and hate.