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缅甸政府提倡文学创作要有利于社会事业,有利于民族团结,有利于青少年一代的成长。它坚决禁止淫秽下流的黄色书刊的出版发行,近年来又进一步提出了创作“有益于人民的文学”的口号。它反对清闲文学,提倡消遣与教育相结合的文学;反对为艺术而艺术,提倡艺术为人民。这些对缅甸文学发展无疑有着巨大的影响。这里我们向读者介绍缅甸新秀中的女作家摩摩的《人生的序幕》。摩摩(茵雅)[Mo Mo(In Ya)],原名杜珊珊。1945年生于下缅甸岱乌镇。大学学习时期曾在《民族妇女》、《前进》等刊物上发表过诗作。处女作、短篇小说《邻居》发表于1972年9月号《内达意》杂志。她曾在缅甸社会主义纲领党研究部政治处任助理研究员,后辞职专门从事文学创作。她是现今最受缅甸诗者喜爱的作家之一,也是位多产作家。她的作品以深刻反映社会生活现实而著称,曾多次获缅甸民族文学奖。主要作品有长篇小说《探索》(获1979年度缅甸民族文学奖最佳长篇小说奖)、《摩摩(茵雅)短篇小说选(一)》(获1982年度缅甸民族文学奖最佳短篇小说奖)等。本文即译自《摩摩(茵雅)短篇小说选(一)》。 The promotion of literary creation by the Myanmar government should be conducive to social undertakings, be conducive to national unity and be conducive to the growth of young people. It firmly forbids the publication and distribution of obscene yellow books and journals, and in recent years has further proposed the slogan of creating “a literature that is beneficial to the people”. It opposes leisure literature and promotes the combination of recreational and education literature. It opposes art as art and advocates art as people. These have undoubtedly had a huge impact on the development of Myanmar literature. Here we introduce the reader to “The Prologue to Life” of the writer Moore in Myanmar’s rookie. Mo Mo (In Ya), formerly known as Du Shanshan. Born in 1945 in Daiwu, Myanmar. During her studies in the university, she published poems in “Ethnic Women”, “Advance” and other publications. Debut, the short story “neighbors” published in September 1972, “within the meaning of” magazine. She worked as an assistant researcher at the Political Department of the Research Branch of the Socialist Platform in Myanmar and later resigned as specializing in literary creation. She is one of the most loved and most prolific writers in the country today. Her work is well known for its profound reflection of the reality of social life. She has won the Myanmar National Literature Prize for many times. Major works include the novel “Exploration” (won the 1979 best novel of the Myanmar National Literature Award), “Moro (Yin Ya) short story selection (a)” (won the 1982 Myanmar National Literature Award for Best Short Stories Award )Wait. This article is translated from “Moro (Yin Ya) short story selection (a).”
根据阿拉伯各国和埃及的报刊杂志发表的文章、消息,现将1985年埃及文坛的小说和戏剧等情况综述如下: 总的来看,文坛的创作形势给人以乐观的感觉,某些方面还显示 According t
【共同社3月17日电】日本松下公司17日宣布,将于6月1日发售蒸汽微波炉新品“三星Bistro NE-BS1200”。新品采用的设计可使微波能渗透整个食品,均匀地解冻冷冻食物。至今为止
缘起 1982年12月5日,美国《纽约时报图书评论》以“我喜欢的书”为题,组织了一次笔谈。在这次笔淡中,尤多拉·韦尔蒂谈到霍桑的《故事与小品》,乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨谈到《