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  【关键词】农村地区 中学生 口语学习
  At present, the new round of basic education reform has started and the frontline English teachers, especially the ones in rural schools, are facing a lot of new challenge from the perspectives of professional consciousness, knowledge and capability. Viewing our domestic English teaching, we find that the rural English teaching has been not optimistic. Therefore, in order to improve the English level of the whole nation, it is crucial to pay more attention to the English teaching in the rural.
  1. The Status of Oral English in Rural Areas
  In the rural schools, on the one hand, there are a lot of English teachers who are switched to be an English teacher and have not been systematically trained. They even cannot speak fluent English with correct pronunciation, tone and speech rate. The teachers, who occupy the students’ time of oral English practicing by making effort to speed up their teaching process to fulfill the task of entrance high school and giving much exercise to the students, emphasize the grammar most. On the other hand, in some areas which are extremely undeveloped, the people speak only their dialect when communicating, so the students can only speak the English with local accent. Many middle school students cannot read, speak and understand English and cannot communicate with others in English after several years’ English learning. What’s more, some students are introverted and inarticulate, so they are not brave enough to express themselves in public. Even if sometimes they have to speak in public, they are too shy and nervous to make a complete and logically-correct presentation.
  2. Learning Strategies of Middle School Students’ Oral English
  2.1 To Improve the English Teachers’ Ability
  In a sense, the oral English level of English teachers determine that of students, as the teachers’ discourse has the exemplary role of using target language on one hand, and on the other hand, it is also the important way for students to input language. (Palmer, 2007:117) The introduction of foreign English teachers is an effective way to improve students’ oral English level in many urban schools, while rural middle school students try their best to learn English, and they are eager to gain experience of foreigners, so it is a great encouragement to them even if they have only one chance to communicate with foreign teachers face to face, and this will also greatly promote their interest in oral English training.   2.2 To Improve English Classroom Teaching
  In the class, the active and extroverted students will improve their oral English level obviously by speaking bravely. The introverted students are afraid of the critics and laugh from the others, so their oral English will stay in low level. To deal with this situation, the teacher should create a released and harmony class environment for the introverted students and give more praises than critics. In the English classroom teaching, the speech game, pass password, short textbook drama performance, play and say, team story relay, and other activities are all the lively and vivid ways of oral English training, and they can make students willing to speak and enjoy the joy of learning English from the oral English training.
  2.3 The Support of Government and Educational Department
  The governmental and local education departments should first conduct the investigations of the reality, and then work out the practical training plans for the rural teachers, increase the training strength of the training and improve the knowledge level, the cultural quality and teaching ability, especially the oral expressing ability and class organizing ability of the English class of the rural faculty. The local education department should increase the urban-rural English teaching exchange activities, build proper exchange mechanism for the urban and rural English teachers and achieve the balanced arrangement of the good faculty between the urban and rural schools.
  [1]Kramsch Claire.Context and Language Teaching.Shanghai Foreign Language
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展,互联网技术也处于快速的发展进程中,网络技术逐渐取代了沿袭已久的传统技术,给人们的生活、工作带来了巨大变化。在语言学的研究中,大数据时代的影响是不可估量的,并且对语言学的发展提出了新的挑战和要求。大数据给英语语言学提供了便利条件,同时带来了巨大的数据信息。其对语言学发展研究有着独特的价值,更可以促进商务英语语语言学的发展和进步。  【关键词】大数据时代 语言学 商务英语语
【摘要】“微时代”下很多领域都在发生变化,教育领域也不例外。本文从分析高职大学的英语教学现状入手,在提出问题的基础上探析高职大学英语教学模式的改变:“微课”在英语教学上的应用,并通过分析“微课”的特点和实际应用来探索高职大学英语教学的未来走向。  【关键词】微时代 现状 微课 应用 思考  信息技术的发展促进了“微时代”的到来,微博、微信、微课等新事物方兴未艾,在高职教育领域的改革中,改变传统的教
【摘要】复杂系统理论的提出为二语习得的研究发展提供了新的机遇。近几年,国内外运用这一方法对二语写作的发展研究也日趋升温,这方面的研究取得了丰富的成果。本文试从复杂系统理论,以及复杂系统理论框架下二语发展过程入手,分析复杂系统理论与学术写作的内在联系,探讨该理论对学术写作研究带来的启示。  【关键词】复杂系统理论 学术写作 动态路径  前言  在过去的几十年里,二语习得研究领域先后出现有60余种理论
【摘要】近年来,英语原声电影被越来越多地应用到高职英语的口语教学中。英语电影能为学生提供真实的语言环境,激发学习兴趣,扩大词汇量,从而极大地提高了口语教学效果。  【关键词】英语 原声电影 口语教学  口语教学是大学高职英语教学的重要内容。学生英语口语表达能力是检验高职英语口语教学效果的重要要素。《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》对口语的要求是能用英语进行一般的课堂交际,并能在日常和涉外业务活动
【摘要】高职院校的学生尤其是非英语专业的学生对英语学习的兴趣一直都是英语老师关注的重点。本文首先分析国内目前对于如何提高学生学习英语的兴趣的相关研究,并通过对笔者所在院校的学生进行随访调查,找出英语学习遇到瓶颈的原因,提出相应的对策,旨在提高高职院校学生英语学习的积极性。  【关键词】高职高专 兴趣 英语教学  一、引言  近些年,随着我国越来越重视职业教育,目前高职院校的在校学生数目正在逐年增加
【摘要】时间的空间认知模式和表达方式在汉语和英语中的较为普遍, 但有关时间的“前—后”指向表述似乎都有两套看似截然相反的体系。本文从认知角度出发,探讨英、汉语中时间概念的空间隐喻。在“时间在运动”这一上位隐喻下,按照“时间在动”和“自我在动”两种认知模式来分析英汉语在一维空间中时间的“前—后”问题。  【关键词】时间 空间 概念隐喻 前后  引言  20世纪80年代,Lakoff和Johnson提
【摘要】随着新课程改革的不断推行,初中英语教学水平得到了一定的提升,作为初中阶段的基础教育,初中英语教学对学生的英语学习起着衔接小学和高中学习任务的重要作用。本文主要探讨了新课改背景下初中英语教学存在的困境,并在此基础上提出了具有针对性的建议。  【关键词】初中英语 新课改 困境 策略  新课改带来了新的教学理念和教学方法,当前初中英语教学的各方面都发生了较大的变化,但是有一些问题仍然存在。要想在
Introduction Culture and language are always two of the heated topics in educational field.Whether culture has effect on language learning is also concerned by