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简要地介绍了CSAMT法的方法及理论基础 ,并通过在阿联酋爱茵的应用实例 ,说明其应用效果。 The method and theoretical basis of CSAMT method are briefly introduced. The application of CSAMT method is illustrated through the application examples in the UAE.
We demonstrate the temperature-dependent fluorescence properties of Pr.LiGdF_4 crystal for the first time,to tie best of our knowledge,and its blue diode pumped
A high-power and high-efficiency GaAs/AlGaAs-based terahertz(THz) quantum cascade laser structure emitting at 3.3 THz is presented.The structure is based on a h
努力发展民族教育促进各民族共同繁荣                江泽民                二○○○年十月十六日江泽民总书记为全国民族院校题词 Effo
三、对喷灌的技术要求1 适时适量地给作物提供水分要做到这一点 ,必须制定合理的灌溉制度 ,保证干旱年或半干旱年作物正常生长对水分的要求。即喷灌工程的设计标准必须满足灌
由钢衬和钢筋混凝土组成的复合式岔管结构 ,利用两种材料间的相互作用 ,可以提高结构的整体性和可靠性。这为发展中国家提供了一种经济可行的解决办法。就这种岔管结构形式进
Due to the manifestation of fascinating physical phenomena and materials science, two-dimensional(2D) materials have recently attracted enormous research intere
1 工程概况 泗水县高峪乡土门村,在村东土门河附近打了一眼大口井作为水源,以解决村民饮水困难。由于水源井建在河道的凹岸,每逢汛期,洪水冲刷严重,每年侵蚀O.5~1m,直接威胁
第 7次全国集对分析暨联系数学、界壳论学术研讨会定于 2 0 0 1年 8月上旬在大连理工大学召开。应征论文请于 2 0 0 1年 6月底前寄到 31 1 81 1 (邮编 )浙江诸暨枫桥新街 79
Few-layer molybdenum disulfide(MoS_2) is emerging as a promising quasi-two-dimensional material for photonics and optoelectronics, further extending the library