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原发性输卵管癌是女性生殖道罕见的恶性肿瘤。自1847年Raymond首先报道以来,至1979年国外文献中共报道有1,093例。国内1957年王淑贞首先报道6例,迄今共报道有157例。本文就我院1962年2月至1971年4月期间原发性输卵管癌5例作一临床分析(包括1例人流扎管时发现原发性输卵管腺癌的罕见病例),旨在提高对此病的认识,做到早期诊断和治疗,提高存活率。病例介绍详见附表。临床分析与讨论文献报道原发性输卵管癌发病率占妇科癌肿0.16~2%,或占妇科手术0.1%。本组5例占同期妇科住院病例0.18%,占同期生殖道恶性肿瘤的4.83%。发病年龄18~80岁,然而大多数是在50~60岁。与宫体癌的发病年龄相似,但较宫颈癌为高,较外阴癌为低。本组5例患者年龄在31~57岁间,平均48.4岁,较文献报道年轻。原发性输卵管癌早期症状和体征往往不明显,因此早期诊断较为困难,晚期则因癌肿扩散漫延又易被误诊为 Primary fallopian tube cancer is a rare malignant tumor of the female reproductive tract. Since Raymond first reported in 1847, there were 1,093 cases reported to foreign literature by 1979. Wang Shuzhen first reported in 1957 in 6 cases, so far reported a total of 157 cases. In this paper, our hospital from February 1962 to April 1971 period of 5 cases of primary fallopian tube cancer for a clinical analysis (including 1 case of abortion when found in patients with primary tubal adenocarcinoma rare cases), aimed at improving this Disease awareness, so early diagnosis and treatment, improve survival. Refer to the attached table for case introduction. Clinical analysis and discussion Reported incidence of primary tubal cancer incidence of gynecological cancer accounted for 0.16 to 2%, or accounting for gynecological surgery 0.1%. The group of 5 cases accounted for 0.18% of gynecological inpatients in the same period, accounting for 4.83% of the same period of genital tract malignancies. The age of onset of 18 to 80 years old, but most are in the 50 to 60 years old. With the age of onset of palace cancer similar, but higher than cervical cancer, lower than vulvar cancer. The group of 5 patients aged 31 to 57 years old, an average of 48.4 years old, younger than reported in the literature. Early symptoms and signs of primary fallopian tube cancer are often not obvious, so early diagnosis is more difficult, because of the spread of cancer spread in the late and easily misdiagnosed as
我科于1979年11月到1980年11月在产前检查中遇到5例晚期妊娠合并仰卧位综合征的孕妇,兹分析并选择2例典型病例介绍如下: Our department from November 1979 to November 1
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