应德国法兰克福市消防急救中心的邀请,经省公安厅、省外事办公室批准,由省消防总队副总队长陈传聪同志任团长的安徽省消防业务赴德考察团一行7人,于7月16日到27日赴德国进行工作考察。 德意志联邦共和国土地面积35.6万平方公里,人口8110万,全国16个联邦州。每州有自己的宪法、议会和政府,有独
At the invitation of the Fire Emergency Center in Frankfurt, Germany, upon the approval of the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, 7 delegation members from Anhui Fire Protection Business Delegation headed by Comrade Chen Chuan Cong, deputy commander of the Provincial Fire Brigade, To 27th went to Germany for work inspection. The Federal Republic of Germany covers an area of 356,000 square kilometers and has a population of 81.1 million and 16 federal states. Each state has its own constitution, parliament and government, independence