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在雷峰塔倒塌76年后的今天,杭州市拟重建雷峰塔。由于现在残存有雷峰塔遗迹,并被列为浙江省文物建筑保护单位,因此重建的雷峰新塔以何种理念来进行设计,是至关重要的。其性质不应是古典建筑的复原设计,也不是全新的国际当前流行式样的现代建筑设计。这个设计既要考虑塔的遗址作为文物建筑需要保护,又要考虑如何弥补西湖景观缺失。重建的雷峰塔将成为新设计的一座旅游景观建筑。它的位置应体现传统的西湖景观格局,同时应避免造成突出赝品的环境特征。这座新塔以建在遗址上部为宜,因之新塔同时又充当了遗址保护建筑的角色。它的下部需具有较大的空间来包容遗址。这样必须采用现代结构和新形式,为此,将方案构思为“古塔在莲花中重生”。使其体现出历史的传承、时空的对话、人们的审美期待以及旅游的功能需求。 Seventy-six years after the collapse of Leifeng Tower, Hangzhou City plans to rebuild Leifeng Tower. Due to the remnants of the Leifeng Tower and the listed cultural relics protection units in Zhejiang Province, it is of vital importance to rebuild the Leifeng New Tower. Its nature should not be the restoration design of classical architecture, nor is it a brand-new international modern style of modern architecture. This design should not only consider the site of the tower as a cultural heritage building to be protected, but also consider how to make up for the loss of the West Lake landscape. The rebuilt tower will become a newly designed tourist landscape architecture. Its position should reflect the traditional West Lake landscape pattern, and at the same time, it should avoid causing the environmental characteristics of the outstanding products. The new tower was built on the upper part of the site, and the new tower also serves as a site protection building. Its lower part needs more space to accommodate the ruins. In this way, modern structures and new forms must be adopted. To this end, the scheme is conceived as the “rejuvenation of ancient pagodas in the lotus.” It reflects the inheritance of history, the dialogue of time and space, the aesthetic expectations of people, and the functional requirements of tourism.
2003年6月26曰16时,SOHO 中国有限公司的北京建外 SOHO 四期开盘销售和商铺招租活动,进行得轰轰烈烈,多家中介公司的近百名工作人员和数十家媒体的记者参加了此次活动。建外
对本文作者之一的建筑师王昀来说,到希腊的雅典卫城以及周边小岛游历是期盼已久的事情,在他众多聚落探访的记忆中,生活在希腊的一个多月是最美好的。 For the architect Wan
巴西建筑师奥斯卡·尼迈耶(Oscar Niemeyer)是20世纪最伟大的建筑师之一。他因在巴西利亚的一系列令人震撼的建筑而为世人所仰慕,在这些建筑中他成功的用混凝土塑造出了属于