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   Host:Last week we reported on a young girl who was detained by police in Afghanistan after what was described as a failed suicide bomb attack against a police checkpoint. The girl, whose name is Spozhmai, said it was her brother who tried to get her to do it.
   Reporter:Well, I think the first thing that struck me about her was how incredibly young she was. She’s nine years old, and, you know, the first question I had, really, in my head, was how on earth could someone that young get their hands on a suicide vest, let alone understand what it’s for, or actually go out and do something with it. So I started by asking Spozhmai how she came to wear the suicide vest.
   Spozhmai:(via translator) It was night and the Mullah was calling for prayers, and my brother took me outside and told me to put on this vest, and he showed me how to operate it, and I say,“I can’t. What if the zip doesn’t work?” And he said, “It will. Don’t worry.”
   Host:What kind of family life did she have before this?
   Reporter: Not a very good one, I must say, because when she told me how she was forced by her brother to wear this, and then he beat her when she didn’t, she then told me that he took her to this checkpoint and just left her there. She slept overnight, and was found by one of the guards at the checkpoint and taken by the authorities. She said that her family life is extremely difficult, she doesn’t have a mother and her stepmother doesn’t treat her very, very well.
   Spozhmai:(via translator) I didn’t go to school because nobody let me to go to school. I can’t read a word, and my brother told me that “You are here in this world and you will die. You’re not here to learn or to do other things. You’re here just to do the duty.”
   Reporter:Also, the…the authorities, that are keeping her now, said that there is a possibility that she might be sent home, that they’re trying to mediate between the family and the tribal elders to get a reassurance.
   Spozhmai:(via translator) Even if the government says that they will guarantee my safety, I’m not going back there. And the same thing will happen again. They have told me before, “If you don’t do it this time, we will make you do it again.” And my father is here. He came here, and he told me to come back, and I said, “No. I will kill myself rather than go with you.”
   Host:It just seems impossible that the authorities would send her back to this house.
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写作议论文,通常运用摆事实的方法阐释道理。然而,不少考生只是力图“让事实说话”,而不擅长“论理”,这导致了议论文中事例堆砌、引例不当、以叙代议等弊端频频出现,造成文体特征不明显,论证没有力度。其实,写作议论文如何引用事例是有一定技巧的,考场作文更要谙熟此道。  一、引用事例要遵循“五条原则”  1.注意点面结合。考场作文因为字数的限制,不可能随心所欲,恣意驰骋。因此,当备用素材比较多时,就要學会取
真正的快速阅读,必须伴随真正的理解。  一、借助关联词语等语言标志,快速理解使用议论这一表达方式的文字  这类多见于论述类文本中,散见于散文、小说、传记等文本。理解议论的文字,要理解相关要素之间的逻辑关系。因此视逻辑关系而不见的阅读,不可能成为有效的快速阅读。下面是2015年湖南卷高考论述类文本中的一个选段(标号为本文作者临时添加)。  ①电池的输出功率受两个因素的限制:蜗牛微小身体内的葡萄糖含量