Birthday on Christmas Day

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:birentx
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  Place: in the forest
  Time: December 25, 2008
  Characters: Little Mouse, Mother Mouse, Father Mouse, Little Duck, Little Bear
  Scene Ⅰ
   Storyteller: Today (今天) is Christmas Day (圣诞节). All the animals in the forest are very happy. Mother Mouse gets up very early in the morning and goes to the kitchen (厨房) to prepare (准备) breakfast. She cooks noodles with eggs (鸡蛋面) for Little Mouse and prepares some other food for Father Mouse and herself (她自己). It’s a special (特殊的) day today. Soon (很快), everything is ready (准备好的). She goes to Little Mouse’s bedroom.
   Mother Mouse: Good morning, dear. It’s time for breakfast. (吃早餐的时间到了。)
   Little Mouse: Good morning, Mom, wait for (等) five minutes, please.
   Mother Mouse: OK.
   Storyteller: Mother Mouse takes the food to the table. Father Mouse sits at the table and begins (开始) to eat breakfast. Soon, Little Mouse comes to the table and sits down.
   Mother Mouse and Father Mouse: Happy birthday (生日快乐) to you, dear!
   Little Mouse: Thank you very much, I should (应该) say “Merry Christmas (圣诞快乐)” to you.
   Mother Mouse: It’s really a special and exciting day today. Your birthday is on Christmas Day. That’s great ! I hope (希望) you like the noodles with eggs.
   Little Mouse: Thank you, Mom.
   Storyteller: After breakfast, Mother Mouse decides (决定) to go out with Little Mouse.
   Mother Mouse: Today is your birthday, Little Mouse. What about not opening the clothes store and going out to relax ourselves? (服装店不开张,我们出去放松一下怎么样?)
   Little Mouse: That’s so wonderful. Thank you, Mom.
   Storyteller: Mother Mouse goes out with Little Mouse. There are many animals in the street. They say “Merry Christmas” to each other (彼此). Suddenly (突然), Little Mouse meets (遇见)his best friend Little Duck.
   Little Mouse: Merry Christmas to you, Little Duck.
   Little Duck: Merry Christmas to you and Mother Mouse, too. Can I go shopping with you? (我能和你们一起逛街吗?)
   Little Mouse: Sure (当然).
   Mother Mouse: Today is Little Mouse’s birthday. Can you come to our house tonight (今晚)? I will hold (举办) a birthday party for Little Mouse.
   Little Duck: I’d love to (我愿意). And happy birthday to you, my dear friend.
   Little Mouse: Thank you, Little Duck. Mom, do you mean (意思是) you will hold a party for me? That’s a great surprise (惊喜). Thank you so much.
   Mother Mouse: That’s right.
   Storyteller: Mother Mouse buys a birthday cake and some other food. Little Duck helps them to take the things home.
  Scene Ⅲ
   Storyteller: Little Duck stays at Little Mouse’s home and has lunch with them. After lunch, Little Mouse asks Little Duck to invite (邀请) Little Bear with him. They are on the way to Little Bear’s home. (他们在去小熊家的路上。)
   Little Mouse: When is your birthday, Little Duck?
   Little Duck: My birthday is June fifth.
   Little Mouse: So I can come to your birthday party next year (明年).
   Storyteller: They talk and laugh happily. Soon, they arrive at (到达) Little Bear’s home.
   Little Mouse: Merry Christmas, Little Bear. Would you like to my home for my birthday party?(你愿意来我家参加我的生日聚会吗?)
   Little Bear: I’d love to. When does it begin?
   Little Mouse: At six o’clock.
   Little Bear: OK, see you then (到时见).
   Storyteller: After leaving Little Bear’s home, Little Mouse and Little Duck don’t want to go home at once (立刻,马上).
   Little Mouse: It’s early (早的). What about going to a movie with me before going home?
   Little Duck: That’s interesting. What kind of movies do you like best?
   Little Mouse: I like comedies best. What about you?
   Little Duck: I like comedies and action movies.
   Little Mouse: Let’s go to see a comedy. What about My Father’s Birthday? It’s very funny.
   Little Duck: OK, let’s go.
   Storyteller: The movie is funny. They enjoy themselves very much.(他们玩得很高兴。) They arrive at Little Mouse’s home at 4:30.
  Scene Ⅳ
   Storyteller: Mother Mouse and Father Mouse clean (打扫) the rooms and prepare food in the afternoon. They are worried about Little Mouse because he doesn’t come home until 4:30. (他们很担心小老鼠,因为他直到下午四半点才回来。) Mother Mouse: Why (为什么) do you come home late? We are worried about you.
   Little Mouse: Sorry, Mom. I went to a movie with Little Duck.
   Mother Mouse: Oh, that must be (一定) very interesting.
   Little Mouse: Yes, the movie is funny.
   Father Mouse: Let’s put the food on the table. The party will begin soon.
   Storyteller: They put the food on the table quickly (迅速地). Little Bear comes to Little Mouse’s house at six o’clock. He says “Happy Birthday” to Little Mouse. Little Duck and Little Bear give some presents (礼物) to Little Mouse. They eat the cake and delicious (美味的) food with Little Mouse’s family. After supper, they dance (跳舞) and sing (唱歌) happily together.
  1. What does Little Mouse eat for breakfast on Christmas Day?
  2. When is Little Mouse’s birth-day this year?
  3. What will Mother Mouse do to celebrate (庆祝) Little Mouse’s birthday?
  4. What kind of movies does Little Mouse like best?
  5. When does the party begin?
  6. What do you want to do most (最) on your birthday? (中英文均可)
  7. What do you want to do most on Christmas Day? (中英文均可)
  1. Because he feels alone at home after his parents leave. He wants to do something useful.
  2. Little Duck is Little Mouse’s best friend. 3. Little Mouse’s Clothes Store.
  4. Little Bear is the first customer. He buys a blue hat. 5.略
  1. Noodles with eggs. 2. On Deceber 25th. 3. She will hold a birthday party for him. 4. Comedies. 5. At six o’clock.6~7. 略。
问:where用来引导什么样的问句?Where is your book in?这个句子对吗?  答:where意为“在哪里”,常用于引导对地点提问的特殊疑问句。回答的时候应选用适当的介词。例如:  —Where’s David? 大卫在哪里?  —He’s in the room. 他在房间里。  Where is your book in?这句话不对。where在本句中是副词,它引导的特殊疑问
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