突尼斯 Pasteur de Tunis研究所 Bahloul等用Cla I酶消化方法 ,将 p CI- neo○R中的新霉素抗性基因和 SV40启动子 /增强子删除 ,得到 35 5 1个碱基对的p CMVΔNeoΔSV40 ,然后插入 3段 5′- AACGTT- 3′免疫刺激序列 ( ISS)得到 p CMV3ISS,再插入狂犬病病毒 PV株的糖蛋白编码序
Bahloul et al. At the Pasteur de Tunis Institute in Tunisia deleted the neomycin resistance gene and SV40 promoter / enhancer in pCI-neo ○ R using the ClaI enzyme digestion method to obtain 35 5 1 base pair p CMVΔNeoΔSV40 , And then inserted into three segments of 5’-AACGTT-3 ’immunostimulatory sequence (ISS) to obtain pCMV3ISS, and then inserted into the rabies virus PV strain glycoprotein coding sequence