由于多余层级而造成的累赘,实在影响企业效率! 再好的企业,一不小心就容易让组织“胖”了起来,变得累赘。而“胖”的缘由,大多会是从组织内部不知不觉地增添了那些副职开始的。上个月,笔者受邀参加了在鞋业内颇有盛名的一家民营企业举办的中高级管理研讨会。当时,我惊讶地发现这家规模不大的民营企业,却副总、副职成群。这令我不免触景生情,联想起十年前先后在三家国营企业
As a result of redundant levels caused by the cumbersome, it really affects the efficiency of enterprises! Even the best companies, by accident, it is easy for the organization “fat” up and become cumbersome. The “fat” of the reason, most of them will be from the organization unwittingly added those deputy began. Last month, the author was invited to participate in a senior management seminar held by a privately-run company well-known in the footwear industry. At that time, I was surprised to find this small-scale private enterprises, but deputy chief and deputy positions in groups. This makes me inevitably touch the scene, recalling ten years ago in three state-owned enterprises