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做教师容易,做语文教师更容易,只要识字,拿着一本语文教材和一本教学参考书就能上讲台,堂而皇之的当语文教师。这似乎就是语文教师给人的印象。 语文教师真是这么好当吗?答案当然是否定的。那么,是什么原因使得人们对教师职业,特别是对语文教师职业那么想当然,那么不屑一顾,嗤之以鼻呢?其中的原因值得深思。 It is easier to be a teacher and it is easier to be a language teacher. As long as you are literate, you can use a Chinese language teaching material and a teaching reference book to go to the podium and be a language teacher. This seems to be the impression given by language teachers. Is the language teacher really so good? The answer is of course no. Then, what are the reasons that make people think of teachers’ professions, especially those of language teachers, then they dismiss them with scorn and ignore them? The reason for this is worth pondering.
In this study, the relative gravity data(2012 e2015), GPS data-derived horizontal deformation(2011 e2014) and the background vertical deformation from the leveling measurements(1970 e2011) in the nort
读罢此题,诸君难免窃笑:视吾等为三岁小儿,不知教案为何物。可气,可恶。 的确,任何一个教师,或者有过从教经历的人大约没有人没写过教案。 不过君且莫笑,气则更加不必。尽管
In this paper, the authors studied the traces of destruction in the fortress walls and houses of the Bosporan city of Kytaia. The study of this city has been ongoing since 1970. Over the past time, nu
近来读报,读到一位法国教育家的“奇谈怪论”:“21世纪最困难也是最有价值的事是让教师闭上他的嘴!” 笔者以为,此说颇有见地,一针见血,击中时弊。 近年来,教改模式成了热门
在实施新课标的过程中,我们把着力点放在构建学生自主、合作与探究的学习方式上,让学生在自动积累、自主实践、自我感悟的过程中形成语文能力。 在实验中,我们从读书兴趣、