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机械部天津工程机械研究所集多年研究开发大型全液压稳定土拌和机的技术与经验,研制出新一代WB320B型全液压稳定土拌和机。在研究所工贸公司与路面机械研究室通力合作下,样机于1995年7月20日试制成功。性能测试与拌和作业表明,该机完全达到设计技术要求,具有良好的施工作业性能。 WB320B型稳定土拌和机采用Cummins发动机,输出功率320hp/2000r/min,拌宽2.1m,最大拌深400mm,行驶速度0~24km/h,作业速度0~3.3km/h,整机重量15.5t。其主要技术特点: (1)功率大效率高,适合大型筑路施工。 (2)全液压,转子与行驶驱动采用2套闭式液压传动系统,速度无级调节、功率自动分配,适应于外负荷变化及多种作业场合。 Ministry of Machinery Tianjin Institute of Engineering Machinery set many years of research and development of large hydraulic stabilized soil mixer technology and experience, developed a new generation of WB320B full hydraulic stabilized soil mixer. In the Institute of Industry and Trade Company and pavement machinery laboratory co-operation, the prototype in July 20, 1995 trial success. Performance testing and blending operations show that the aircraft fully meet the design requirements, with good construction performance. WB320B Stabilized Soil Mixing Machine adopts Cummins engine with output of 320hp / 2000r / min, width of 2.1m, maximum mixing depth of 400mm, traveling speed of 0 ~ 24km / h, working speed of 0 ~ 3.3km / h, total weight of 15.5t . Its main technical features: (1) high power efficiency, suitable for large road construction. (2) Fully hydraulic, rotor and driving drive with 2 sets of closed hydraulic drive system, stepless speed regulation, automatic power distribution, adapt to changes in external load and a variety of operating occasions.
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