1972年,日本前首相田中角荣访问我国时,赠送我国一批大山樱树苗。这批樱树在我国北京、南京、杭州、天津等地栽培,经过精心培育,年年盛开鲜艳、绚丽的友谊花朵。 在樱花生长过程中,病虫害的防治,是十分重要的。 通过初步调查大山樱的害虫有32种,分属于18个科。为害严重的主要有:黑蝉、山楂红蜘蛛,天幕毛虫,铜绿金龟子、中国绿刺蛾等。
In 1972, when Japanese former Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka interviewed our country, he presented a batch of mountain cherry saplings in our country. These cherry trees in China’s Beijing, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Tianjin and other places cultivated, carefully nurtured every year in full bloom bright, brilliant friendship flowers. In the cherry growing process, pest control, it is very important. Through preliminary investigation, there are 32 species of pests in Dasan cherry, belonging to 18 families. Major damage are: black cicada, red spider hawthorn, celestial caterpillars, chafer, green moth and so on.