From receptive to productive vocabulary knowledge: The combination of explicit and implicit approach

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  【Abstract】This article aims to tackle the problem that Chinese students in lower intermediate level in China who cannot use the newly learned words in their writing. To come up with the solution, knowing the words, the difficulty of acquiring the receptive knowledge, received from listening and reading and productive words, acquired from speaking and writing and how the words are acquired are needed. To help students have better acquisition in productive vocabulary use, explicit teaching and incidental learning are combined in the solution based on the previous suggestions.
  【Key words】receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge; explicit and implicit approach
  Writing plays the role of assessment to check what specialized vocabulary learners can use (Nation, 2013). However, from my teaching experience, I found that the students always struggle with using the newly learned vocabulary in their writing, leading to the inappropriate use of vocabulary, discouraging them from using high frequency words rather than low frequency words. To solve this problem, the following paragraphs will present a particular reading and writing lesson, following the discussion of previous studies of how vocabulary use in writing. Finally, this essay will end with the solution of the problems reflecting to the particular lesson and draw a conclusion.
  During my internship, I taught a group of secondary students in China. Although they have learned English for at least 4 years, they have fewer opportunities to use English outside the classroom. Thus, their English proficiency was a bit higher than the beginners’.
  The reading and writing lesson is from the textbook of Unit 5 in Go for it (2013), aiming to expressing resolution. Presented by the Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) model (Harmer, 2007), the new vocabulary was first taught by pictures and examples and students read by themselves. After the practice of filling in the blank, students needed to make sentences using the new vocabulary, which came up with the production. Finally, I assigned the writing homework about making resolutions for 80 words. By checking their writing, some students use the familiar words that they had learned in previous units instead of using the new vocabulary from reading. Laufer (1998) proposed several reasons of this phenomenon, including the correctness of test system and reward system. To improve the students’ ability to apply the new vocabulary from reading to writing, the following part would focus on the distinction between receptive and productive vocabulary, the difficulty of passing the passive to active vocabulary and the approaches to teach active vocabulary.   Literature Review
  Knowing a word
  To enhance lexical richness, the effective vocabulary use in writing (Read, 2000), the concept of knowing a word needs to be concerned. Knowing a words means knowing the form, meaning, use, indicating that the receptive knowledge is easier to be acquired than the productive knowledge (Thornbury, 2000). To explore the reason, the distinction between receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge will be disucssed. Receptive knowledge means the language received through listening or reading and productive knowledge means the language used for speaking and writing (Nation, 2013). However, researchers have different opinions in distinguishing receptive and productive vocabulary. Active vocabulary is assessable whenever the learners want to use them, while passive vocabulary will not appear without external stimulation (Meara, 1990). Laufer (1998) subdivides the productive vocabulary into the controlled active and free active vocabulary. From the distinction mentioned above, productive vocabulary, being subdivided into two categories, seems more complicated than receptive vocabulary. The reasons for it will be explained.
  The reasons why productive knowledge is more difficult than receptive knowledge
  Many researchers indicated that learners found it more difficult to use productive vocabulary than receptive use because of two main reasons. The first reason is less exposure to the low frequency words. The higher passive vocabulary the learners have, the lower active vocabulary they have as fewer frequency words are learned, which may not be used in speaking and writing (Laufer, 1998). Dobbs and Kearns (2016) further explained the reasons for the wider utility and the existing knowledge of high frequency words.
  The incremental process is the second reason. The process of vocabulary is gradual and the ability to recognize will be prior to recall the word which can be used in writing (Laufer and Goldstein, 2004). Similarly, the participants chose the words according to the form and meaning, which is easier than collocation and word class (Zhong, 2018).
  The approach to pass from receptive vocabulary to productive vocabulary
  Although the receptive vocabulary knowledge is difficult to become productive, researchers found some useful ways to enhance vocabulary richness in writing, including explicit teaching, incidental learning and their combination. Explicit teaching deeply teaches the high frequency words, by connecting old words, using various ways to help students learn the vocabulary (Sokmen, 1997, cited in Schmitt, 2000). Incidental learning means learning vocabulary unconsciously from reading or listening (Rieder 2003,cited in Ender, 2016). For incidental learning, better readers could have the awareness to use the newly learned vocabulary (Dobbs and Kearns, 2016). For explicit teaching, learners acquire most of the vocabulary with the explicit instruction from teachers rather than only acquire from reading (Lee, 2003).   In addition to the support for the two approaches separately, some researchers proposed the combination of these two approaches. Nation (2007) proposed the four strands to learn vocabulary, supporting the combination of explicit and implicit teaching. He lists three implicit teaching strands, including meaning-focus input, meaning-focus output and fluency development, which acquire words incidentally. Language-focus learning, strand of explicit teaching, is to concentrate on particular words and explain in details. To receive vocabulary and produce them in language use, Nation (2007) suggests learners to make a balance of the four strands. Schmitt (2008) suggests that for the basic knowledge like form and meaning, it is better to be taught explicitly and for the collocation, the implicit teaching is required. The reason for this combination method is that having taught by the explicit approach, learners need to meet the words in different contexts to strengthen the memory.
  After the discussion of difficulty and approaches, the following section will apply those theories into solving the problem.
  As for the reasons, firstly, it is the limited exposure to frequency words and lack of practice in writing (Johnson, 2016), explaining why my students like using the high-frequency words. Students also lack the opportunities in retrieving the vocabulary outside the classroom. Secondly, vocabulary acquisition is a gradual process (Laufer and Goldstein, 2004), corresponding my students who cannot meet the new words in different contexts.
  Based on the reasons, the following section will focus on approaches to solve those problems. Some researchers (Lee, 2003; Lee and Muncie, 2006) support the explicit teaching. In my context, however, explicit teaching is not effective because I have explained those important words in detailed, but some students do not use them in writing. Therefore, the combination of explicit and implicit teaching is a better solution. There are two types of incidental learning methods that can improve students’ productive use of vocabulary.
  Extensive reading is an effective teaching method to increase students’ productive vocabulary size. Nation (2013) proposed several benefits, the flexibility of the learning pace; the choice of learners’ interests and the access to learn outside the classroom. Students can produce more accurate words in the post-test as the amount of vocabulary, being applied into writing increases after extensive reading (Tudor and Hafiz, 1989; Tsang, 1996). The researches above indicate the positive use of extensive reading, so it is useful to be applied into my context. Therefore, I will require them to read graded readers, such as the storybooks, scientific books, etc. based on their interest and write a short reading review every week.   Another useful method is collaborative learning, meaning ideas exchange before writing. Students’ vocabulary is more appropriate after pair discussion because of different vocabulary acquistion via opinion sharing (Lin, 2015). Thus, for the students in my context, they will be required to brainstorm the vocabulary based on the topic individually and exchange their words lists and how they use the vocabulary in writing in groups before writing, encouraging them to share different vocabulary they gain from others.
  Based on the difficulty, this essay discusses the reasons of passing the receptive vocabulary knowledge to productive knowledge. Considering the suggestions from researches and the students in my context, I adopt two appropriate implicit teaching methods, combining with the explicit instruction that focuses on meaning, use, providing students more opportunities to access newly learned words.
  [1]Dobbs. C.L. and Kearns, D.. Using new vocabulary in writing: Exploring how word and learner characteristics relate to the likelihood that writers use newly taught vocabulary. Reading and Writing,2016,29(9):1817-1843.
  [2]Ender, A.. Implicit and explicit learning in incidental vocabulary acquisition. Applied linguistic,2016,37(4):536-560.
  [3]Harmer, J.. The practice of English language teaching[J]. 4 ed. Harlow: Longman,2007.
  [4]Johnson, M. D.. Vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary use in second language writing[J]. Tesol Journal,2016,7(3):700-715.
  [5]Laufer, B.. The Development of Passive and Active Vocabulary in a Second Language: Same or Different?[J]. Applied Linguistic,1998, 19(2):255-271.
  [6]Laufer, B. and Goldstein, Z.. Testing vocabulary knowledge: size, strength, and computer adaptiveness[J]. Language learning,2004, 54(3):399-436.
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【摘要】随着时代的发展,我们生活的信息化程度越来越高,课堂教学方面也不例外。本文以信息化教学为视角,结合当代高职英语课堂教学中的存在的不足,探讨更完善的课堂设计。  【关键词】信息化教学;高职英语;课堂设计  引言  由于信息技术的迅猛发展,教育行业的各个领域都或多或少运用了信息技术作为教学工具,高职英语的教学也做到了教学与技术的融合。然而目前看来,高职英语课堂教学中对信息技术的应用仍然存在问题,
【摘要】阅读能力是大学生英语能力的重要组成,也是学生获取英语知识最直接、最有效的方法,因此阅读能力的培养一直是大学英语教学的重点。然而,从当前大学英语教学现状来看,大学生普遍存在一定的阅读障碍,阅读能力较差,阅读水平不高,严重制约了大学英语教学的有效性。鉴于此,本文大学生英语阅读障碍的原因进行了探讨,并提出了几点针对性的建议,以期有所借鉴价值。  【关键词】大学生;英语;阅读障碍  一、英语阅读的
【摘要】英语复习课教学承担着巩固学生的语言知识、提高学生的语言技能、调控学生的学习策略的重任,科学合理的复习课教学设计能帮助学生系统掌握基础知识、基本技能和方法,形成明晰的知识网络和稳定的知识框架,逐步提高学生运用英语的自信和应对高考的信心。  【关键词】复习教学;检测性;循序性;综合提高性  【作者简介】李金爱,浙江省缙云中学英语组。  一、引言  英语教学而言,复习课有为单元测验而进行的复习,
【摘要】英语阅读是巩固和扩大英语知识、获得信息和理解英美文化的途径,而改进英语阅读策略是促进大学生听、说、读、写、译各方面能力发展的重要途径。本文从多角度分析了大学生在进行英语阅读时存在的问题,以及如何提高大学生英语阅读能力的策略。教师应鼓励学生在课内或课外尝试不同的阅读策略,以提高阅读速度和阅读效率,培养学生形成有效的英语阅读方法。  【关键词】培养阅读策略;改善阅读习惯;发展阅读能力  【作者
【摘要】在英语教学改革不断深入背景下,小学高年级英语教学活动中,革新阅读教学模式,是提升学生整体阅读水平,构建新型英语教学体系的基本要求。本文在对小学高年级英语阅读教学简要概述基础上,分析了阅读教学活动中面临的实际问题,结合实际提出对应的提升策略,以此为相关教学活动开展提供参考。  【关键词】小学高年级;英语阅读;教学实践  英语作为世界范围内应用范围最广的语言,其在学生学习中的重要性不言而喻,阅
【摘要】在职高英语教学中,教师需要重点针对职高学生基础薄弱、学习态度不认真、学习能力差等问题,采取多样化的教学手段,激发学生对英语知识的合理应用。听力在英语教学中处于重要位置,如果学生无法通过听来获得相关的信息,就无法运用英语交流。教师需要结合学生的实际特点,通过语音训练实践、视听技能培养等多样化的手段,让学生养成良好的听力训练习惯,增强学生英语思维能力,促进学生听力水平全面提高。  【关键词】职
课堂提问作为课堂教学中必不可少的教学手段之一,不仅仅是促进师生、生生互动的催化剂,更是任务型教学中必不可少的环节。本文拟从课堂提问的作用、以往课堂提问的误区、创新课堂提问策略等方面探索新课标理念下初中英语课堂提问的艺术。  一、课堂提问的作用  1.课前提问——吸引学生,引发好奇。良好的开端是成功的一半,如何在上课伊始的3~5分钟内吸引学生的注意力,引发学生的好奇心,让学生在最短的时间内进入课堂学
【摘要】弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是20世纪二三十年代英国极富才情的文学大师。伍尔夫的著名小说《达洛维夫人》于1925年出版。小说一经问世,立刻引起评论界的广泛关注,而且至今仍备受争议。时间一直是伍尔芙作品中的一个非常重要的主题。与以往文学作品不同的地方在于,传统小说重视客观时间,将内在心理时间放在相对次要的位置。伍尔芙则强调心理时间的重要性,用它来窥探人物角色内心的真实感。  【关键词】《达洛维夫人》;时
【摘要】英语写作能力是学生的必备能力,这一能力对学生的发展有着深远影响。对于高中英语写作教学而言,教师可以通过以读促写的教学来优化学生的写作能力,也就是说,教师应当研究以读促写的意义以及问题,并在此基础上制订高效的以读促写策略,让学生的英语写作能力以及综合素养都得到发展。  【关键词】高中英语;以读促写;教学策略;方法研究  新时代的教育应当有新的发展,对于高中英语教学来说,阅读与写作是两个独立的
【摘要】微写作具备着交互性强、篇幅短以及主题明确等特点,而在当前网络环境下,初中英语教师可以充分的应用微写作的特点来引导学生进行英语写作。在实际写作中,初中英语教师需要引导学生找寻合适的写作题材,重视英语知识的吸收,在和其他人交流的过程中尝试着进行写作模式的创新。基于此,本文主要在网络环境下进行了初中英语“微写作”教学实践分析探究,希望能够对初中学生的英语写作水平提升有所帮助。  【关键词】网络环