自从北京赛区的比赛号声吹响以后,以舞会友,动感地带2008全国大学街舞电视挑战赛的风潮一浪接一浪地向全国涌去:10—11月,分别在辽宁、安徽、河南、新疆、重庆、湖北、浙江举行了分赛区的比赛,无数精彩的故事在那里发生着。辽宁赛区的精彩时刻首先由女生带来:沈阳音乐学院5位黑衣姑娘性感华丽的舞步引爆了开场后的第一个热潮,4段音乐的编排现代而古典,融合了卡通和武术的元素;在安徽赛区,“King Of Street”队的出场犹如是伏尔加河畔的纤夫,亦仿佛战败归来的伤兵,观
Since the race in Beijing, the sound of the competition sounded after the dance party, the dynamic zone 2008 National University Street Dance Television Challenge wave after wave of waves to the country: 10-11 months, respectively, in Liaoning, Anhui, Henan, Xinjiang , Chongqing, Hubei, Zhejiang held a division race, numerous exciting stories happen there. The wonderful moment of Liaoning Division was brought first by the girls: 5 black girls from Shenyang Conservatory of Music provoked the first craze after the opening ceremony. The 4 pieces of music were arranged in a modern and classical style, which combined the elements of cartoon and martial arts. In the Anhui division, the appearance of “King Of Street” team was like a trapper on the banks of the Volga River. It was also like a wounded soldier returning from defeat.