Between 15% and 20% of pregnancies stop because of spontaneous abortion, of which about 50% are due to chromosomal abnormalities. When one of the couples is a balanced carrier of chromosomal abnormalities, unbalanced gametes and embryos may develop and clinical symptoms may vary to varying degrees: children with infertility, recurrent abortion, and even chromosomal syndrome. A pair of clinical admissions with a history of repeated spontaneous abortion as the research object, conventional semen, hormone levels. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients were cultured in RPMI1640 medium for short-term culture. After hypotonic and fixed treatment, chromosome specimens were prepared and karyotypes were analyzed for chromosome number and structure. Selection of specific 21qter and 14qterDNA markers as probes for peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with metaphase FISH analysis. FISH was used to study the spermatids of patients, with the detection of sperm DNA components by flow cytometry, the composition of genetic material in gametes and the proportion of various types of gametes were analyzed. The results showed that the normal karyotype of the woman was 46, XX, and the male karyotype was 45, XY, -14, -21, + t (14; 21) with Robertsonian translocation. Chromosome FISH of peripheral blood somatic cells showed that there were one red 21qter and one green 14qter hybridization signal in one cell, and one red and one green signal co-existed in one translocation In centromere chromosomes. In the sperm cell FISH study, five different types of hybridization signals were observed. The types of abnormal gametes were the same as the theoretical ones. However, the proportion of each type had its own characteristics. Combined with the sperm flow cytometry Cytometry analysis showed that balanced haploid gametes accounted for 71%, unbalanced gametes accounted for 29%. Through the literature statistics at home and abroad, the common and rare types of Robertsonian translocations are reviewed to provide suggestions for the clinical treatment of fertility.