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相传古希腊的亚历山大帝在当太子的时候,每当听到他父王在国外打胜仗的消息就要发愁,生怕全世界都给他老子征服了,自己则英雄无用武之地.《诗经》研究已走过了二千多年的漫长岁月,当今的学者不也在为寻求出路而发愁吗?基此,我们探讨钱钟书先生的《诗经》研究,将有助这个难题的解决.钱先生的《诗经》研究主要集中于《管锥编》第一册《毛诗正义六十则》中,也散见于其他三册之中,同时《七缀集》、《宋诗选注》等也有所论及.研究成果之卓著,研究方法之新颖独到是前无古人的,然而,当前的《诗经》研究界对他的成果还没能引起重视,令人深为至憾.为了推广他的研究成果,作为当代学人的借签,我们将从以下五个方面进行介绍;(一)《诗经》的艺术研究;(二)《诗经》的诗学研究;(三)《诗经》的训诂研究;(四)《诗经》的修辞研究;(五)《诗经》研究方法论.本文为系列论文的第一部分. According to legend, the ancient Greek Emperor Alexander the Prince, every time I heard the news of his father in foreign victories to be worried about the fear of the world conquered him, while his hero useless. Having gone through a long period of more than 2,000 years, are not scholars today anxious to find a way out? Based on this, we will explore the study of the Book of Songs by Mr. Qian Zhongshu, which will help solve this difficult problem. The study of The Book of Songs focuses on the first volume of The Cone of Taper, the Sixty Principles of Mao Zedong’s Justice, and is also found in the other three volumes. At the same time, there are also some comments on the Seven Suffixes and the Selected Poems of the Song Dynasty However, it is deeply regrettable that the research community in the Book of Songs failed to pay enough attention to his achievements in order to promote his research results. As a result, The contemporary scholars’ borrowing, we will introduce from the following five aspects: (a) “Book of Songs” art research; (two) “Book of Poetry” poetics research; (three) “The Book of Songs” exegesis study; (four The Rhetorical Study of The Book of Songs; (5) Research Methods of the Book of Songs This article is the first of a series of essays.
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